12.1 C
Delhi, IN
Sunday, February 23, 2025


emergency fund

The Oh Shit Fund, Create Your Emergency Fund Now.

Emergency savings popularly known as “oh shit fund”, is a fund that most often we neglect or overlook unseeing the varsity of life. When...
How sitting Wrecks Your body

Sitting Is The New Smoking

Are you more comfortable while sitting? Do you spend 8 hrs sitting? Do you have ‘butts in chair equals productivity’ mindset? If your answer...
home remedies to treat malaria

Home Remedies To Treat Malaria

“Prevention is better than cure”, As we all know the deadly parasite “Plasmodium” causing Malaria are transmitted by infected Anopheles mosquitoes; So the first...
Benefits of waterbeds

Work hard, Unwind on a Waterbed !!

In the early 1800s, to alleviate patient bedsores, Dr. Neil Arnot created a 'hydrostatic bed' by covering a warm bath with India-rubber cloth and...
stethoscope uses and functions

The Ultimate Guide To Stethoscope

The importance of a stethoscope cannot be condoned. Think of a doctor and what immediately comes to your mind is a stethoscope hanging around...
Heal Your Pain With Cryotherapy

Heal Your Pain With Cryotherapy

Ice packs are known to relieve pain, swelling and inflammation from bruises and muscular injuries. They also heal sprains and provide relief for conditions...
cervical cancer

Cervical Cancer Is Critical…!!!

What Do You Know About Cervical Cancer ? According to American Cancer Society, cervical cancer is the most leading cause of death in America. Cervical...
low cholesterol diet

Lower Cholesterol With 8 Healthy Food

According to health authorities the amount of cholesterol recommended in the body of a normal individual should be less than 5.5 mM/L. But if...
6 ways to purify lungs

6 Ways to Purify Lungs in Heavy Smokers

Smoking is enormously a bad habit and harmful to human body and the surroundings to a large extent. Lungs are the crucial organ, responsible...
how to control diabetes

How to Defeat Your Diabetes

Diabetes is referred as diabetes mellitus, a group of metabolic disorders in where the person has high blood sugar, due to inadequate secretion of...