Health & Fitness Resolution Plan for This New Year

Health & Fitness Resolution Plan for This New Year


As the end of the year approaches, we all are ready with our resolutions list. And in that list, we all do have one wish in common- the resolution of staying healthy and fit. But the reality is that for so many years we are postponing that resolution. It just never sees the sunlight. No one is perfect. Yet this time, we can make this Health & Fitness Resolution come true with just a little effort and organizing.

Merely making a resolution takes you nowhere. What you need is a plan, a proper motivation and ultimately, a tracking chart. Countdown the last moments of this year with these tips to achieve your health resolution:

Health & Fitness Resolution Plan for This New Year

1. Plan out your ‘Plan’.

Well, if you are aiming for a healthy and fit body, you must have planned on following some regime. Whether it is gyming, yoga sessions or just dieting, you have an aim of taking up one these. But it doesn’t end here. It is the beginning. Go online and search for the best and nearest gym or yoga classes around your area. If your plan is dieting or a home gym, Google about the various combos, exercises and diet plan which are easy yet effective.

2. The Motivational ‘Muse’.

You know how the romantic poets refer to their romantic muses or inspiration in their poems. These motivational muses guide them in creating a wonderful piece. Similarly, find your motivation. Get it clear in your head what is your objective. Whether it is to get a slim figure, a drop-dread gorgeous look, just a little fat cutting or simply to improve your health, etc. This ‘muse’ of yours will guide you and keep you in track.

3. Set a Daily Goal.

Make out a schedule and set a daily goal. For example, for your first day a 10 minutes warm-up, followed by your 15 minutes regime. For a week continue this schedule then, add another 10minutes session of workout. Slowly but surely, your one-hour workout would be like a cakewalk. Make it a bit challenging by setting a time limit or find ways to make your initiatives interesting.

4. The Correct Diet and Food.

All this is a wastage if you do not eat right. Thus, don’t jump into any dieting regime without being 100% sure about it. Do not skip your meals. No meal-skipping can get you your desirable results. If you are following a schedule online or by someone, make sure it is authenticated. Fad diets do sound quite result-oriented but are difficult to maintain and may not be suitable for every person.

5. Set a Time-limit and Track your Progress.

Let’s say that you set a goal of losing 2kgs in a month. That will be your time-limit. Similarly, you can set a time goal and track it every day/week and see where you stand. In a way, it increases your efficiency too. Keeping an agenda in mind helps you to complete your goal coherently.

With these small yet catalytic tips, your health goals and new year resolution of staying fit can be easily fulfilled. Though it may not be a smooth road as there will be road bumps. But as they say, ‘when there is a will, there is a way’, if you’re determined, then this goal can be scored!

So, grab your gear and brace yourself for the New Year.

Wishing you the best of Health and a boost of Wealth.

Happiness, Prosperity, and Joy await your call.

Wishing a Very Happy New Year to All.