10 Reasons to Put Off Saving for Retirement

10 Reasons to Put Off Saving for Retirement


You are on the brink of your retirement and numerous post retirement plans and expenses have already started popping up in your mind. Everybody around you seems to be intimidating you all the more with throwing questions about it. Now, you are in a dilemma as in what to do and what not to do? We lay down 10 reasons before you as why you should not stress yourself over it right away.

There are much more significant things that you need that money for!

You have been working round the clock and the slogging seems to have started taking a toll on your personal relationship. A good dinner or lunch with your loved ones is what you’re intending to do in order to make up.

You can always save for later

You live in the present and everyday life offers enough expenses to cater to. It is wise to emphasize on your today and think later about tomorrow. Many people commit this blunder of ruining their today in order to lead a happy tomorrow. What’s the point in that, when your unhappy living a “self inflicted constrained life”, when you actually can live a carefree life.

What if you don’t live long enough to enjoy retirement?
Life is uncertain and nobody knows what happens tomorrow. It is ardently recommended not to miss on the thrills of exciting life dwelling too much on retirement plans. There is no assurance how long one would live, what if you don’t even live long to enjoy the benefits out of it.
Taking on challenges by working even in your 60, 70 and 80s.
Certain people are work driven and do not feel there’s a stopping by in between their hectic life. They are so hooked up to the daily routine that they don’t want to give up on the busy life. They get a high in keeping themselves occupied. Hence, they perceive no plans of sitting back stress free on the arm chair, gazing nature.
Social security payments are sufficient enough to meet your needs
Social Security benefits are paid out on a monthly basis to retired workers and their surviving spouses. And all that you require money for is food, accommodation, medical care and clothing etc.
How to plan retirement program?
You are embroiled in plenty of things in order to chalk out one specific lay out for retirement. There are various ways for saving and retirement nevertheless you don’t have enough time to sit and think over it.
You don’t know how much you would require for retirement
Many people question themselves as what given amount of money would cater their retirement plans. But, there’s no formula based solution to it.

Everybody’s lifestyle differs tremendously. The monthly expense of a middle class person won’t be as same as that of an upper middle class person. You can’t estimate your future expenses as with every passing day the cost of living seems to be sky rocketing.

Retirement plans are a big headache and much complicated task to undertake

You know it’s time to hang up boots and after retirement life would not be the same. You have no saving to rely upon at present which gives you enough tension to screw up your rest of the day. You feel clueless as to what to do, how to go about it etc. You have nobody to go to in order to take advice for your future plans. As nobody knows you more than yourself. You know what’s good for you. Hence, play wise. Be single minded and know what you want.

You may get lucky with lottery or gambling

You never know when lady luck favors you and makes you a millionaire in no time. Life is full of hope and aspiration and it won’t be considered as big talks if you even look at things that way.

Meeting the needs and demands of your family

Doing all the unachievable and far flung needs for your loved ones will only make you garner more love and respect from them. You want to be a doting father and a loving husband to them and you don’t mind even if you have to put retirement plans under darkness for them. Your family is your fortune.
