7 Best Pre-workout Foods

7 Best Pre-workout Foods


As per Transformation Expert Bill Phillips “it is good to consume food before hitting the workout regime” as it gives body full energy to do the weight training and other strenuous workout.”

In today’s day and age “fitness” has become the most sought after vogue. Most of the people hit the gym in the morning before going to university or work and some of them do it in the evening due to time constraint. Doing workout with full stomach is also not recommended, as it can create a tendency to throw up or nausea.

Some of the best pre workouts foods are as follows:

  • Oatmeal: A bowl of oatmeal before going for workout not only renders you with required fibre and minerals but also gives the body the energy to workout with much ease . It’s boring to eat oatmeal as it is and can improvise by adding some fruits to your bowl which would escalate the dish altogether. Oatmeals are high in protein which is beneficial in cooping up with the exercises.As per dietician Rajshree Singh starving yourself and eating nothing at all is absolutely is an absolute NO! It is better to feed your belly once before hitting the treadmill.
  • Banana’s are best as they have carbohydrates and it adds “the fuel to the body” in order to workout with much energy to count upon. You must not even exceed it’s intake as it then will lead to heaviness and more so a desire to visit the loo. Banana’s must be taken in moderation and as per one’s body sensibilities.
  • Yoghurt : Greek yoghurt is the go to product before workout. It does not only is high in calcium and protein but also gives essential nutrients to the body which allows the body to be fit for workout. Yoghurt in itself is a self sufficient product that consuming it alone would be no issue of concern at all. Greek yoghurt is known to be high in calcium and probiotics. It does not only keep your waist in check but also provides much energy.
  • Energy bars : Energy bars are the best to eat before long hours of workout. It is mostly consumed by body builders and those who hit the gym quite religiously. Energy bars have all the intrinsic components like that of protein, minerals, carbohydrates etc. which indeed lessens the task of eating one by one vegetable and food and renders it all in one single product. Energy bars can be home made as well be bought from the market.There are a number of brands that offer extraordinary nutrients at the same time.
  • Eggs : Eggs can be consumed either as boiled or in the form of omelette. Eggs contains vital proteins that gives the body a boost to perform chores. An egg a day must be made compulsory. Eggs are so imperative that people not only undergoing workout but otherwise too should eat in order to keep oneself from deficiency related health problems at bay.
  • Chicken : Chicken is consumed mostly be the professional as well those who have a deep know- how of fitness and it’s nuances. Chicken breast is the most sought after by pro’s for the purpose of body building and such. It can either be teamed up with brown rice or can be eaten slowly depending upon one’s taste.
  • Dried apricots are high in natural sugar that not only boosts the energy levels but also enables the body to work out without starving. The body requires much energy to carry out gruelling exercises sans effort. Dry Fruits in general are good to eat before working out as it provides the body essentials without even making the belly too heavy.

Pre workout food is always good to consume as it not only provides you with energy and carbohydrates to workout with maximum efficiency but also lessens the chances of passing out while doing strenuous workouts.

Consumption of food before the workout not only allows the body to gruelling workout but also gives it less lethargy or exertion. The pre workout foods must be   low glycemic like veggies.