HealthGenie Blog

7 Best Pre-workout Foods

As per Transformation Expert Bill Phillips “it is good to consume food before hitting the workout regime” as it gives body full energy to do the weight training and other strenuous workout.”

In today’s day and age “fitness” has become the most sought after vogue. Most of the people hit the gym in the morning before going to university or work and some of them do it in the evening due to time constraint. Doing workout with full stomach is also not recommended, as it can create a tendency to throw up or nausea.

Some of the best pre workouts foods are as follows:

Pre workout food is always good to consume as it not only provides you with energy and carbohydrates to workout with maximum efficiency but also lessens the chances of passing out while doing strenuous workouts.

Consumption of food before the workout not only allows the body to gruelling workout but also gives it less lethargy or exertion. The pre workout foods must be   low glycemic like veggies.


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