5 Things Men Initially Notice In A Woman

5 Things Men Initially Notice In A Woman


 Men do take into account a lot of things at first meet itself about a woman. Although a women features and personality would comprise of it all but even the characteristic of the person he deals with matter the most to him. Men prefer genuine women with no duplicacies or artificiality about them at all. There are no takers for fakeness be it in your looks or in nature. A woman must be pretty at heart first instead just by looking after one’s skin like a maniac or so.

She should have a clear heart (which is hard to find)that’s  impressive at one glance itself. Men and their taste differ from every individual. Every men has an” ideal type of women to be with” just like women have an ideal figure as their soul mate. The problem arises when women don’t value their own beauty and look for something that is not feasible to attain and living all life running behind something that can’t be made their own by discarding what they already have at hand.

Five things men initially notice in a woman laid down as follows:

  • Eyes: As known to many eyes speak world of things. “Beauty lies in the eyes of a beholder”, that describes the significance given upon the “eyes” out of all the organs. It is an added incentive if you have beautiful, mesmerising eyes. Some even say that eyes intoxicate the person one’s speaking to regardless of what’s been said or told. Remember, those lovely eyes of Aishwarya Rai in the commercial that used to be aired ages ago with a plot of eye donation. With  mere one look even a kid could guess who’s eyes those were?That’s the strong impact eyes have on lookers.
  • Smile: Smile is yet another fascinating factor that allows a man to take notice of the woman in question. If a smile is incredible even a fight or an argument can win many hearts without any hard feelings as such. People even go under the knife in order to get a good smile. Various studies have validated this by celebrities splashing out money on surgeries to correct their smile. Smile is a very important feature on the face.
  • Hair: Tresses are always an imperative factor while looking at a woman or her vital  characteristics. This is the reason why women pay so much attention to their hair considering they lay much emphasis knowing that it is a big part of their personality and outlook. Every woman makes sure her hair looks better than the  rest by doing everything possible starting from going for monthly hair cuts to oiling to hair spa, etc.
  • Weight: Weight is another significant factor that’s a determining trait at first glance. Fat or slim doesn’t matter but weight as such also has a massive role to play in making an impression. With fitness clubs mushrooming at every nook and corner, fitness has become a must have for every individual to look for.
  • Legs: “Leggy lass” as the word coined is a pivotal factor in a  woman’s body. Much desired attention is garnered from it. Women go out of the conventional ways of keeping the beauty intact with leg massages and timely wax with chocolate and other edible stuff to retain it’s smoothness and shine. Women know that legs play a crucial role while dressing up as if possessing good long legs one can done up any length of dresses, short to long.