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5 Things Men Initially Notice In A Woman

 Men do take into account a lot of things at first meet itself about a woman. Although a women features and personality would comprise of it all but even the characteristic of the person he deals with matter the most to him. Men prefer genuine women with no duplicacies or artificiality about them at all. There are no takers for fakeness be it in your looks or in nature. A woman must be pretty at heart first instead just by looking after one’s skin like a maniac or so.

She should have a clear heart (which is hard to find)that’s  impressive at one glance itself. Men and their taste differ from every individual. Every men has an” ideal type of women to be with” just like women have an ideal figure as their soul mate. The problem arises when women don’t value their own beauty and look for something that is not feasible to attain and living all life running behind something that can’t be made their own by discarding what they already have at hand.

Five things men initially notice in a woman laid down as follows:

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