Work on the ab- from fit to fab

Work on the ab- from fit to fab


Abs is a commonly used word for abdominal muscles. To maintain the muscles abdominal exercises are very important. The exercise can help in reducing the extra fat around the abdomen. After losing the excessive fat the work out is required for building the muscles and look fabulous.

Cardio workout for six pack abs :

Cardio workout for six pack abs is the first exercise that is required. It helps in shedding the extra weight and building the strong muscles. This will also help in burning the extra calories and fat from entire body. Cardio workout increases the heart rate and blood flow in the body. The fitness of abs is important from health point of view. The belly fat not only affects the self esteem, it has more dangerous impact on health. The uncontrolled diet is the major cause for abdominal fat. Sedentarylifestyle increases the chances of belly fat. Stress levels also contribute to belly fat.  The abdominal fat can lead to various serious health problems like diabetes hypertension, insomnia, stroke, cancer etc. The belly fat releases the fatty acids that affect the ability of body to release insulin. Due to the close proximity with vital organs, fat around belly can create serious threats to health and can damage the neighbouring organs.

Diet and exercise for belly fat :


The problems and threats related to belly fat cannot be ignored. Proper diet and an exercise regime should be followed to fight with these problems. It is also important to lead a stress free life for a better health. The fat around the abs has negative impact on health as well as self esteem. It makes people conscious about their looks. Men as well as women feel low and lose confidence about their looks and public appearance.

Weight lifting and reverse crunches :


Weight lifting and reverse crunches should also be followed for getting six pack abs. The exercise regime has to be regular as it takes time for body muscles to tone up.With this, thebody will burn the extra calories and extra fat in a slow and steady manner.This is prescribed that initially these exercises should be followed under the supervision of trained person.  This might be difficult for some in starting but later results will be satisfying. Along with the exercise a strict diet chart should be followed. The adequate sleep patterns and a stress free life are also required for getting the fabulous abs and a healthy living for entire life.