Ultimate Benefits of Using Bicycle

Ultimate Benefits of Using Bicycle


Realizing the health benefits as well as the environment benefits of the bicycles and cycling respectively, the cities worldwide look forward to get plans, which provides space for walking and cycling in the cities.

This is perhaps, the need of the hour. According to a British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) News Report, the transport will become biggest source of CO2 emissions unless politicians act firmly.

Therefore, it is to be noted that the use of bicycles within the cities not only will add to the health of the environment but will also enhance the health of its users. Also, there will be a great decrease in the Carbon Emissions. Moreover, it will significantly reduce the number of accidents per year.

how can cycling be promoted

How can Cycling be Promoted?

In this age of Motors and Machines, it is paramount to find out ways or to observe the endeavour made by the other countries, so that cycling can make some space in the people’s mind.

Space for the people to Cycle to Work

Space for the people to Cycle to Work

There should be a proper space and other required and related arrangements, in the cities, so that the people can feel safe to cycle to work.

This is essential because every now and then, someone or the other makes a statement that people on the road do not respect the cyclists. Moreover, it is quite obvious that the motors and bicycles can not run on the same road.

Therefore, it is important that prior to promoting cycling for the health of the environment, proper space is made in the cities.

bike to work scheme

Bike-to-Work Scheme

There are countries like London, Denmark, Belgium which have bike-to-work schemes. Several companies in these respective countries, pay to their employees to cycle-to-work on per kilometer basis.

Furthermore, it is important that the corporate houses initiates and provides to their employees a proper parking facility for the bicycles. And also the shower facilities, so that they can get fresh before resuming their respective work.

It is quite interesting and is surely to attract every age group worldwide. Indeed, the scheme has proved to be a success.

Environmental Benefits of Bicycles

Environmental Benefits of Using Bicycles

The theme of this year’s Environment Day, which is celebrated worldwide on June 5 every year, is “Raise Your Voice, Not the Sea Level.”

The melting glaciers and the increasing sea levels are a matter of anxiousness all over the world. Therefore, it is time that we understand the Environmental Benefits of using the Cycles.

  • Bicycle is an Eco-friendly vehicle which can be made easily available in every household
  • If cycle-to-work and not use our motor vehicles, it will help decrease the petroleum consumption by approximately 3 lakh liters
  • Using the bicycles will help in reducing the increasing trade deficit either
  • One kilometer of cycling instead of driving can reduce 0.3 kg of CO2
  • Reduces the Air pollution
  • Significantly reduce the noise pollution.

Apart from all the above mentioned facts, it is also a fact that the bicycles need very less space for parking in comparison to a car.

The perpetually increasing vehicles on the roads worldwide; the harmful effects of the pollution caused thereby; the prevalent lifestyle of the machine age; all these factors have directly affected the environment worldwide.

Would it be wrong to say that the Humans are the father of many of the environmental problems prevalent in the modern day world?