Love & Lust Recedes When in ‘Depression’-Modern Day Monster for Health

Love & Lust Recedes When in ‘Depression’-Modern Day Monster for Health


Love And Lust

Depression in itself, is both an easy and quite a vague term to understand.

The ‘theory of individualization‘ is prevalent among the youths or let’s say, is deep rooted in the so called ‘modern lifestyle.’

The perpetual development of the technologies; the massive rise in the metropolitan lifestyle; ebbing space required in a healthy relationship; these are some of the many examples which has forced us to take a dogmatic approach towards life.

It further results in loneliness and other such things, which we together term as Depression.

Before you read further about the symptoms of depression, it is paramount to understand the term ‘depression’ in a laymen’s language.

What is Depression?


 Defining depression in the medical terms will surely end up in plethora of terminologies.

In simple words, it is any situation that dims your exuberance. It is the situation that dims your eloquence and jeopardizes your confidence.

Things you enjoyed doing is no more pleasurable for you; you no more like seeing anyone; no adventure, no hobbies; you want to be left alone; the state of isolation adores you.

Everything that produces a positive energy is seized within. Indeed, there are cases where people have lost their interest to live, ending up in committing suicide. This perhaps is the most simple approach to fathom depression.

Depression Leads to other Health Problems


Depression at the primary stage hits emotionally and then it goes on to hit mentally and physically respectively.

Gradually, it leads to problems like Insomnia (sleeplessness), loss of energy, excessive sleeping, overeating or under eating, or digestion problems et cetera.

These problems further leads to obesity further leading to the major health problems like Diabetes. Therefore, the problems are endless.

Symptoms of Depression


 Although, when it comes to symptoms of depression, it may differ from person to person. But following are some of the very common symptoms depicting depression.



 When an individual is restless, he is not able to remain focused in whatever he does. He try his hand at many different things reaching to no conclusion. Ultimately, he ends up in frustration.



 A depressed person would not take interest in anything he plans to do or in anything he does. He easily gets bored of things, places and people either.

Feels Like Crying


 Depression quite often makes people feel lonely. He feels that he is no more needed by anyone. He has no value. These bizarre feelings, the emptiness, makes a depressed person feel like crying out in utmost pain.

The Liveliness Fades


Depression usually scotches a person’s liveliness. He neither enjoy going out with his friends nor does he wishes to attend any party. The positive energy to initiate recedes.

Sexual Desire Recedes


 Sex is said to be the most exciting thing in human life. But on the contrary, the great desire to make love is completely lost when you are depressed.

Don’t Feel like Living


The smoldering feeling of solitude can possibly turn to catch the fire one day. The depressed person therefore decides to end his journey of life. He wants to put a full stop to it.

He feels that he is no more needed in this world. He thinks, he is good for nothing. Suicides are the result of these feelings.