Swine Flu (H1N1 Influenza)-Causes Symptoms & Prevention

Swine Flu (H1N1 Influenza)-Causes Symptoms & Prevention



H1N1 is a subtype of influenza A virus that causes outbreak of influenza in pigs.Swine influenza is the most severe respiratory disease found in pigs caused by type A influenza virus. Swine flu causes extreme level of illness and high death rate to humans. In 2009-2010 it is estimated that more than 4000 people in US with its severe strain of swine flu infected many people across the world, also known to be first global flu pandemic over 50 years. This influenza virus is contagious and communicable infection that spread from an infected person. It is estimated that more than 4000 people in US and many more across the world. In 1930s the very first H1N1 virus was isolated from pig, its classic property is they occurs during the winters.

H1N1 is an Orthomyxovirus that contains the glycoproteins haemagglutinin and neura-minidase,depending upon the expression of H and N antigen, they are described as different other subtype like H1N1, H1N2. The process of infection that virus plays is Haemagglutinin causes red blood cells to clump together and binds the virus of infected cells whereas Neuraminidase is a type of glycoside hydrolase enzyme that helps to move the virus from the infected cells and assist in budding from the host cells.

Out of various strains, H1N1 are endemic among humans, hence in June 2009 World Health Organization (WHO) declared H1N1 as novel strain of Swine flu.

Causes Of Swine Flu …!!!

When talking about the causes of Swine influenza, pigs play an important role as an intermediate host to the flu, because the respiratory cells of pig can be infected straight with humans,birds and other animals. H1N1 is a contagious respiratory virus found in pigs, this virus causes clumping of red blood cells and integrated with the system via infecting other organs. It is the most severe influenza that easily spread in the surroundings just the way seasonal flu does. An infected individual can suffer with cough sneeze through which they spread virus into the air and if some healthy individual comes in contact with that surrounding or inhale the contamination, he/she has a good chance of getting infected with Swine influenza. The virus enters the body and infects the cell lining of nose throat and lungs.

What Are The Symptoms…???

Symptoms of swine are similar to those of the normal human flu but it comes with a potential life threatening effects.

The primary symptoms include:

  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Sore throat
  • Body Ache
  • Severe Headaches
  • Chills & Cold
  • Weight loss & fatigue
  • Diarrhea & Vomiting

How to Monitor H1N1 Influenza…???

Swine flu is hard to diagnose as its symptoms are very common with seasonal flu, people with influenza are susceptible to nausea and cold. The only way to monitor the flu type is through clinical testing in laboratories.

How Is H1N1 Treated…???

As far we analyzed that Swine influenza is considered as one of the potential life threatening problem to the world population. In order to treat the flu several antiviral drug has been generated to fight against H1N1 viruses. Drugs like Oseltamivir (Tamiflu) and Zanamivir (Relenza) work faster in best when taken within the 48 hours of infection. The drug Tamiflu can also be taken as a preventative measure for those who are in close contact with infected individuals with confirmed human swine flu

Prevention Reduces Risk Of Infection

Prevention is needed even after the use of vaccines and other medications to protect from the flu. Every individual can prevent the flu from spreading of virus into the environment that eventually causes respiratory illness and nausea.

Several ways are available to prevent the cause of swine flu, that includes:

  1. By covering nose and mouth during the epidemic session of the flu or when you cough or sneeze out in public area. You can use tissues papers, handkerchief or mask to cover your nose and mouth.
  2. Try to avoid close contact with infected individuals, try not to touch hands or things related to the patient,because the virus spreads easily this way.
  3. If you are sick,try to stay at home rather than making your presence in school or at work places.

“Its given by US Center of Disease Control and Prevention and World Health Organization that an extra ordinary precautions has been taken across the whole nation to prevent the spread of contagious and life threatening virus H1N1 Influenza A.”