Quit Tobacco! Check Out Here…Why Should One Cut Down Tobacco Intake?

Quit Tobacco! Check Out Here…Why Should One Cut Down Tobacco Intake?


Tobacco intake is one of the leading cause of premature death, disability & illness. The effects of smoking is serious. Tobacco intake can harm nearly every organ of the body. It causes nearly 1 of every 5 deaths in United States every year.   

Tobacco smoking contains more than 4000 harmful chemicals which are known to be harmful for health such as tar, nicotine, benzene, formaldehyde, carbon mono oxide, hydrogen cyanide etc. More than 50 chemicals out of these are known to cause cancers.   

People who start smoking at earlier stage are more likely to suffer from health disorders than those who start later. They can suffer from nicotine addiction, increases cough, phlegm, reduced lung function, wheezing and asthma.    

All the tobacco users are at common risks of Thyroid, Cataracts, Sleeping Problem, Osteoporosis, Gum Disease, Tooth Decay, Chronic Bowel Disease, Peptic Ulcers, Pneumonia, Influenza, Chronic Bronchitis, Lung Cancer, High Cholesterol, Heart Attacks, Circulatory Problems etc.   

According to survey, every year 4,80,000 people die pre maturely in US due to tobacco intake.   

The negative effects of tobacco use go well beyond health disorders. In spite of above health problems, there are some other serious health issues because of which one should stop smoking tobacco. 

Mental Health Issues: Mental disorders are highly and strongly associated with tobacco intake. Smoking is associated with suicidal tendencies. People who are heavy smokers are more likely to attempt suicide than non smokers. According to NIDA (National Institute On Drug Abuse), people who smoke are more prone to develop agoraphobia, anxiety & panic disorders. 

High Risk Sexual Behavior: Heavy smokers are 50% more likely than light smokers to have had 2 or more sexual partners in the last month. Light smokers using alcohols and drugs concurrently are 3 times more likely to participate in high risk sexual activities than non smokers. 

Illicit Drug Use: Adolescents who use tobacco more frequently are more likely to abuse or become addicted to illicit drug uses. Nicotine is the drug in tobacco which makes smoking powerful addiction.  

High Risk Drinking: Harvard College Alcohol Study determined that adults who are tobacco users are more likely to smoke marijuana and more likely to engage in high risk drinking than non smokers. 

Lower Academic Performance: Researches show that smokers have lower GPA than non smokers. They are 27% less likely to have an above B grade average than non smokers.