Health Benefits of Masturbating – What Happen When You Masturbate

Health Benefits of Masturbating – What Happen When You Masturbate


Truth is something, many of us rarely admit to. And Masturbation is one such truth of life. It is that clandestine act of both men and women, which perhaps everybody does, but one seldom admits to have done it. The big question is ‘WHY.

You would be surprised to know that according to a study approximately 100 per cent of Men and approximately 82 per cent of Women Masturbate. The message is, therefore, clear.

Do we have any idea, how paramount is Masturbation for our health? Perhaps ‘NO.’

May be, this is the reason, we have always considered it as an element of fun among friends.

Whereas, the fact is that Masturbation, other than quelling, to some extent, the thirst of sexual desire, enhance your health in many different ways.


How Masturbation Can Be Good for Your Health?

However, there are innumerable health benefits of Masturbating, but discussed below are some of the main reasons why Masturbation can be openly and freely discussed about.

immune-systemMasturbation Enhances Your Immune System

Having ejaculated you increase the level of a hormone called Cortisol and that hormone takes good care of the immune system of your body.

With a healthy Immune System, the body gets strengthened to fight and also to recover from various diseases quickly.

stressMasturbation is a Stress-Buster

While Masturbating, one releases Oxytocin in the body. Oxytocins are the hormones which makes you feel good.

Further, with the release of Endorphins, you get relaxed. Therefore, Masturbation other than keeping a check on your blood pressure, also deals with your stress and gives you a sound sleep either.

keep-away-cancerMasturbation Keeps Away Cancer

The excess amount of toxins get stocked in the urogenital tract of the body. These are said to have cancer causing chemicals in it.

Masturbating is one of the safest way to ejaculate these disease causing toxins which can lead to Prostate Cancer.

erectileMasturbation Fights Erectile Dysfunction

Masturbating regularly is like exercising regularly. While Masturbating the pelvic muscles undergoes an work out which helps in keeping it strong.

Therefore, healthy pelvic muscles help you prevent erectile dysfunction which is a very common problem in Men.

Masturbation Prevents Premature Ejaculation
Masturbation Prevents Premature Ejaculation

Masturbation Prevents Premature Ejaculation


Premature ejaculation often leads to dis-satisfaction. Masturbating regularly can always be good for such people. It can actually make them last long.

Masturbating few hours before making love to your partner can help you sustain for a long time during the intercourse.

It is high time, one must force open the closed doors of the mind, which stocks behind it, all sorts of myths about Masturbating. However, it is important to remember that even ‘excess of Vitamins are bad for health’ but as long as it keeps you comfortable and makes you feel happy and satisfied, Masturbating is the best way to know, what ‘pleasure’ is to you.




