Egg Protein Vs Whey Protein

Egg Protein Vs Whey Protein

whey protein vs egg

What is protein: Protein is a micro nutrient which is required for all ages and sexes. It is required to build muscles. 65% of body’s protein is stored in skeletal muscle. Protein is important for all the tissues and cells in the human body. Eggs, fish, dairy products and nuts are rich in protein. But the most popular protein supplements are egg protein and whey protein.
Egg protein is of course, as the name suggests, present in whole eggs or egg whites whereas, whey protein can be consumed from dairy products or protein powders that are largely available in the market.whole egg is a very good source of protein but it also increases the cholesterol level and fat due to the presence of the yellow portion. But the egg white protein is cholesterol free and a better option of protein intake. Egg white protein is very low in calorie.
Whey protein may cause gastric problems in some people where as there is no case reported of such a problem in egg protein. Egg white protein is high quality and valuable for human body. It contains amino acids that are essential for day to day performance of activities. It is very helpful in maintaining the muscle mass. The one large portion of egg white can provide 3.6 Gms of protein which is also very high in quality. The egg white protein is also fat free and includes the saturated fat which is helpful in reducing the cholesterol and risk of heart diseases. On the contrary whey protein has more carbohydrate contents.

Benefits of Egg White Protein Vs Whey Proteins

Whey protein may causes the intolerance towards lactose in some people who have digestive problems. Egg protein has large number of micro nutrients, minerals and vitamins. It is very important for successful weight management after the tough workout regime it is advised to consume egg white protein for increasing the instant level of energy. The egg protein has very high biological value. Whey protein is beneficial for those who work out in the morning and require instant protein dosage. However egg protein is beneficial for those who work out in the evening.Egg protein is also very helpful for kids and pregnant women. It fulfills the increased demand of protein in pregnant women and hence makes the fetus and mother healthy. It also caters the need of high iron requirements in women. Eggs consists of Vitamin B2, Vitamin B12, Vitamin A and Vitamin E. This is important for the growing kids. It regulates the weight loss and a study has revealed that it is even helpful in cancer protection.

Advantages of Egg Protein:

  • Eggs are considered great for human eyes.
  • Chances of having Cataracts are less in people consuming egg protein.
  • 3 grams of superior quality protein is present in a single egg besides other 9 important amino acids.
  • Egg protein acts as a good source of choline.
  • Natural Vitamin D is present in Egg.
  • Quality hair and nails are possible with consumption of egg protein.