Cervical Cancer Is Critical…!!!

Cervical Cancer Is Critical…!!!

cervical cancer

What Do You Know About Cervical Cancer ?

According to American Cancer Society, cervical cancer is the most leading cause of death in America. Cervical is a type of cancer occurs in the lower part of uterus that joins to vagina known as Cervix.

Cervical cancer mostly diagnosed in women between 20 to 50 years of age. All type of cervical cancer are caused due sexually transmitted human papillomavirus (HPV-16 & HPV-18). During the normal infection, the immune system eliminates most of the virus, but at the time when the infection raise to a level of cancer, the same immunity goes off and attacked by the human papillomavirus.

The Center for Disease Control And Prevention found that more than 50% of men and women involved in sexual activities got infected in their lifetime.

Causes of Cervical Cancer

Human Papillomavirus of different types, but the HPV 16 And HPV 18 are the critical strain of viruses which is responsible to cause cervical cancer in 70% of the population. However, all cases in cervical cancer are spread via HPV. It is a common type of virus which can pass through any type of sexual contact between men and women.

It is important to be aware that this type of disease is common in women and can be easily transmitted. Cervical cancer does not have any special type of symptom, which results in late diagnosis of infection in women. Early diagnosis and treatment is helpful in getting rid of cervical monster.

Symptoms Of Cervical Cancer

There are no such symptoms in primary stages of cervical cancer. The very first sign observed through Pap smear test which shows change in cervical cells. It is an effective way to detect the cervical cancer at early stage. In later stages you may found:

  1. Bleeding vagina other than menstrual period, sexual activity or menopause.
  2. Pain in the lower abdomen or pelvis.
  3. Severe pain during sex.
  4. Abnormal vaginal discharge

Complications In Cervical Cancer

Most of the women with cervical cancer aresusceptible to multiple health complications. Kidney failure, uterus infection, early menopause, regular vaginal bleeding, vaginal dryness, irregular menstrual cycle, night sweats and lower abdominal issue are some of the complications associated with cervical cancer.


At the early stage diagnosis id difficult due lack of symptoms, but later there are some techniques available to diagnose cervical cancer:

  • Colpscope- It is used to detect the presence of abnormal cells, followed by testing all over the tissue.
  • Punch Biopsy- It involves a small pinch of sample from the cervical area with the help of sharp tool. An abnormal growth of cells in the diagnosis plate can confirm the presence of cancer.
  • Electrical Wire- A low voltage electrical wire is used to detect the abnormal cell growth from the samples.
  • Cone biopsy- It is followed by a process which allows to doctor to bring sample from deepest layer of infection.


When the problem is finally diagnosed in early stage, it is easy to treat during surgery. There are various techniques in this revolutionary era:

  • Radiotherapy/Chemotherapy- In this process, there is no surgery over the cancer but the treat through passing radiation is of the alternative step. The cancerous cells and tissues can be eliminated or damaged with the help of radiation and chemotherapy. In some cases, these techniques give significant and long lasting effects.
  • Hysterectomy- At the extreme sensitive cases when the uterus get affected with the infection, a type of surgery is made associated with removal of uterus called as hysterectomy.

Note:As soon as the infection is being diagnosed, it is important to visit your doctor and ask for the follow up regarding treatments and drugs..