6 Surprising Things That Can Damage Male Fertility System

6 Surprising Things That Can Damage Male Fertility System


6 Surprising Things That Can Damage Male Fertility SystemParenting is always considered to be most important thing in India similarly, Infertility have also been very common in India. Researches say that “1 out of 6 couples in India face the problem of infertility”. Infertility is defined as inability of a person to reproduce after one year of having unprotected sex. As per a study in U.S in 40% cases the problem persists in man, 40% cases the problem persists in woman and 20% are the cases where both of them have the problem. In a country like India infertility is highly ignominious problem and when it comes to infertility in men it is seen as a shameful thing.Either a man can be infertile naturally by birth or he can be infertile because of the lifestyle he is following. It has been studied that the current lifestyle that modern people are nowadays following is one of the major reasons of their infertility. Here are some amazingly surprising facts that can lead to male infertility: 

1. Using laptop can cause infertility in males 

No one would have ever thought that a laptop that made your work easier, that made you work a per your convenience and eased your life actually actually can disturb your life to a great extent. Researchers have found that men who keep the laptops on their laps have chances to get infertile. Laptop emits heat that can raise the temperature around your genitals which may interfere in sperm production and can reduce sperm count. 

2. Excessive stress can lead to infertility 

In the race of being ahead no, one has the time to sit, relax and enjoy. Everyone is busy in managing their time in such a way that they can maximize their earning. This mindset is good to achieve goals but sometimes trying too much results in nothing but stress. Excessive stress is one of the major reasons for infertility. For males stress can lead to impotence, can lead to erectile dis-function, and can shut down all the gland that play an important role in developing reproduction system. Although avoiding stress is something next to impossible but still a man should manage to takeout sometime for himself, friends and family. Regularly reducing some stress can give you healthy reproductive life. 

3. Canned food can be the reason too 

Food packed in Microwave-safe containers, aluminium cans and water bottles, even money receipts have a chemical called BPA ( bisphenol) in it. As per the studies and researches it has been concluded that higher the amount of BPA in the urine of man lower the sperm count. 

3. Soaps can also make you infertile 

A soap that you use everyday to kill germs can also lead to infertility. Antibacterial soaps, shampoo and dishwasher contains triclosan chemical that may mess up your hormones and interfere with your reproductive system. So, next time whenever you buy a soap check out all its ingredients and check that it should not contain triclosan. 

4.Diet and exercise 

High intensity exercise or no exercising can also lead to infertility. As per the doctors obesity can lead to infertility as well. Obesity reduces sperm count and disturbs hormone balance. Fat tissues produces estrogen, which lowers  testosterone level and leads to infertility. Similarly if a person runs more than 100 miles a week his sperm count gradually decreases his sperm count and leads to infertility. 

5. Modern Lifestyle 

Drinking excessive alcohol, excessive smoking, use of cocaine, painkillers lowers the level of sperm count. There are many drugs that increases sperm count but extra sperm count is also harmful like body builders take various anabolic drugs to increase their testosterone level it can build muscles but shrinks testicles and stops sperm production which could further lead to infertility. Just look forward to healthy and safe lifestyle to have better reproductive life. 

These were 6 uncommon facts about infertility in males. We somehow were unaware about these little facts that could make big difference in your life. Hope this blog could enhance your knowledge about infertility and will somehow help you to have a successful reproductive life.