6 Good Reason To Use Whey Protein

6 Good Reason To Use Whey Protein

use of whey protein

If you are planning for permanent weight loss program then whey protein is good to go with as it requires strenuous workout along with good amount of protein intake in order to get best results.

In the era of fitness and health clubs at every nook and corner, one must have frequently come across the term supplements whey protein be at gym or other health clubs with specialist mugging, praising and asking us to consume it. Protein is an integral component for body in order to generate muscle, tissue and cells.

According to Bob Harper, a famous fitness trainer recommends the inclusion of protein in your day to day diet in order to consolidate the immune system. Whey protein has become a part of daily diet and not only beneficial to those who use it solely but also for those who consume after working on muscles.

Why Should be Use Whey Protein?


An effective approach towards building muscle and gaining strength is possible by hitting the gym and hoping to make a fit body. Top researches at Baylor University, Waco and Texas, selected 19 men who were involved in resistance training over a 10 long-week interval and gave 14 grams of whey and casein along with 6 grams of amino acids to few of them, while giving the rest a 20-gram of treatment dose(placebo). Those who consumed the whey get increased fat free mass and muscle strength.


Researchers in Minnesota conducted a 3 month study over increased fat mass, that rather contributes to heath issues such as, sleep apnea, diabetes, joint pain, osteoporosis, metabolic disorders, hypertension, cardiac diseases and cancer.They also subjected the daily intake of calories which was gradually decreased by 500 calories. However, using whey protein the fat mass in the body become easier to lose and significantly reduces the complication induced by high rate of body fat.According to researches people consuming whey lost a greater amount of body fat nearly at 7%.


Sometimes when you tiered of eating, a break to your diet is required. Eventually whey is the one to help you to reduce hunger and avoiding craving culture. A research from Australia took 28 obese men who consume 4 different drinks, out of those who consume 50gm of whey had reduced the level of Ghrelin significantly. So, relying on whey could be a better if you want to loose weight and slimmer waistline.


As per the studies cancer is the most critical health issue of this century. Fortunately, Whey Protein could be one of the factor to protect against it. It has a unique property of reducing the growth of tumor cells. Out of several studies done in rodents, prostate and colon cancers can be treated with whey proteins. The concentrate whey protein may help to fight against tumors causing cancer. So, if you are at risk, the right amount of whey protein, prescribed by the medical experts is required in your diet.


Feeling stressed? According to studies done in Netherlands, the supplementation with whey protein found to be the better alternative to stress and tensions. Out of 58 experimental subjects, people who consume whey protein have experienced less depression, instead a better mood and relaxed mind were noticed. The bottom line of the study was the change in serotonin level, when opting for refreshing whey protein shakes.


University of Alberta conducted a research where males were involved in strenuous aerobic activities, suffered from the deficiency of glutathione level that could result in negative impact over nervous, gastrointestinal and immune system. However, from the above studies, researches also found that Whey Protein has a great impact on your immune system. It helps to maintain the glutathione level in the muscle, that is highly responsible for poor immunity and gastrointestinal system. Besides building muscles and burning fat, whey protein also enables to fight illness effectively. It helps to regulate blood glucose, preventing diabetes, periodontal disease, depression, and contributes to neurotransmitter diseases. Whey protein has a great role in overall health and lifestyle.