5 Tips That Protect You From The Flu

5 Tips That Protect You From The Flu


Flu is an exasperating illness that tires you completely with no energy at all. Every change in weather brings along with it a numerous problems. Influenza commonly known as “flu” is an infectious disease that is caused by influenza virus. Influenza virus are commonly diagnosed in kids. Children are out in the open for most of the hours and it is during the time of play and such that they exchange bacteria’s from one another and later bring them home and get the parents sick too. This virus is deadly and lasts longer than cold. It furthermore has infuriating problems along with it like that of stuffy and running nose,dreaded coughing, muscle ache, prolonged stomach ache or diarrhoea in babies. There are various ways to ward off influenza flu which are below mentioned:

  • Never hold your cold or sneeze with your hand: Hands are a carrier for infection such like that of cold and fever. This is the reason why you must always sneeze out with  the help a tissue or cloth and throw it after use rather than using it consistently and aggravating the illness all the more. An individual uses hands for holding the sneeze for which it invites numerous bacteria’s while pass on flu like diseases.
  • Hand sanitizer: Always apply hand sanitizer and do the chores as bacteria’s rest at a place for hours to be caught by some other individual. Hand sanitizer allows you to clean all the bacteria’s at one go. Sanitizer are even easy to carry when your on the move. It enables clean hand at the wink of your eyes. There are ample of brands that are there in the market to be chosen from. Some of the trusted one’s among Indian masses are Dettol, Lifebuoy,Zuci, Sanitol to name few.
  • Wash your face when suffering from flu. As it does not allow the bacteria to rest on the face and washes it off immediately. Dermatologist claim that kids often fall sick as they are less hygienic and perpetrate the illness in the whole family. As there’s a huge tendency of spreading of bacteria’s through our mouth, nose and throat. We must ensure hygiene while suffering from flu in order to prevent the illness from getting passed on or intensifying for the best of our own interest.
  • Eat as much as green leafy vegetables and fruits as possible: They contain photo chemicals which allows the body to fight ill health by flu. It is a well known fact that dark green vegetables are good for body as they enable the body with much tendency to bear a disease and fight it with much vigour and immunity. Broccoli, lettuce, spinach, apple, orange other fruits are good to consume.
  • Get vaccine: Dr Sandeep Budhiraja, a senior internal medicine specialist at Max hospital, Delhi, asserted that taking a shot gives you heave a sigh of relief before hand the virus hit you.Your on guard to battle it out. Nasovac -S is the most reliable shot for influenza Virus. Every seasonal change brings along with it flu and other related ailments. Flu does not only give multiple illness but also render muscle ache and full body fatigue with requires much time to get back on your feet from illness. Vaccine does not only provides a prevention with immunity to fight out the bacteria’s at large.

To sum it up, Prevention is better than cure !!