HealthGenie Blog

5 Tips That Protect You From The Flu

Flu is an exasperating illness that tires you completely with no energy at all. Every change in weather brings along with it a numerous problems. Influenza commonly known as “flu” is an infectious disease that is caused by influenza virus. Influenza virus are commonly diagnosed in kids. Children are out in the open for most of the hours and it is during the time of play and such that they exchange bacteria’s from one another and later bring them home and get the parents sick too. This virus is deadly and lasts longer than cold. It furthermore has infuriating problems along with it like that of stuffy and running nose,dreaded coughing, muscle ache, prolonged stomach ache or diarrhoea in babies. There are various ways to ward off influenza flu which are below mentioned:

To sum it up, Prevention is better than cure !!

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