5 Tips On How To Reduce Your Thighs

5 Tips On How To Reduce Your Thighs


Bulky thighs makes bulky you, even if you are not otherwise. Those extra inches on the circumference of your thighs never looks good, no matter what! Even if you are not that bulky overall, but have just those fluffed-up thighs, it ruins the overall look of yours! And if by chance you are bulky, and your thighs are bulkier, then you have seriously got to do something about it. So, here we are to help you with 5 ways to loose your thigh fat.

1. Stretch it down!

This is a stretching exercise that you can do whenever you want to. We mean, it need not necessarily be done at particular times, like in the morning or in the evening. Treat it like more of an habitual past time and less of an exercise! All you have to do is to sit down on the floor with your legs wide open and stretched apart to the maximum. Now, try bow your head down as much as possible, trying to touch the floor with your head from between the legs. With summers approaching ahead, you can make this a habit to always sit on the floor and keep stretching yourself this way!

2. Always take the stairs:


Never avoid taking stairs whenever you have a chance to. Always take the stairs because it’s the best exercise to do effortlessly. If you do not have much to climb everyday, then you can take ten minutes out daily to do the staircase exercise. In this exercise, you have to climb up a stair and then get down, again climb up the same stair and get down. Keep on doing this repeatedly and you will start feeling the strain in your thighs. This way, you are going to loose that extra fat for sure!

3. Horse leg exercise:


This exercise is known as horse leg exercise because the way you are supposed to stretch yourself in this is similar to what a horse does with his leg. You have to bend down on your knees with your hands also touching the floor hence taking the position of a horse. Now stretch one leg backwards in such a way that the knee is still bend and your foot tries reaching above your head. Keep stretching your leg that way for 5 minutes. Now do the same with another leg.

4. Sit down:


This is one interesting activity that you can do all the time while doing anything else. All you have to do in this is to sit down without a chair or anything else in a way that your knees are bend and are touching your chest while your foot are flat on the floor. This position is same as when you sit down while relieving yourself in the bathroom on an Indian Commode. Try sitting in this position whenever you have to sit down to do something. This exercise will strain your thighs and the thighs will eventually loose the fat.

5. Keep jogging:

Keep jogging

No no! you need not get into your shoes and your track pants early in the morning. Neither you need to travel to the park and jog there. All you have to do is to keep jogging at your own place. Whenever you are standing ideally, or doing something standing, while at home, you can just start jogging at your own place. Do not stand but jog is the idea behind this exercise. This way you will be able to achieve quite a lot without actually doing something!

So, these were the five tips that you can follow to get rid of those overly sized thighs. Try doing these simple activities and see for the changes!