5 Easiest Tips To Reduce Hips Fat

5 Easiest Tips To Reduce Hips Fat

easiest way to reduce hips fat

Why only Kim Kardashian out of all the celebrities in the world has garnered distinct attention for her buttocks and no one else?

The reason behind is pretty thinkable. It’s a turn on for men if a woman has good desirable hips. There are a number of surgeries that people undergo in order to get what they are not gifted with. Not only are these surgeries cost effective but also require a reliable doctor. It is not necessary to have a professional who’s best in his craft even when he costs a whopping charge. There are many famous celebrities who have ruined their face and other body assets by going under the knife and surgeries that have terribly gone wrong. There is a long list of famous people who have undergone hip surgeries like Nicki Minaj and Lady Gaga to name few and are comfortably living with it now.hips are a distinguishing factor bestowed on women by the creator.

As per renowned Dr. Aamod Rao, these surgeries are not only a decisive one but also takes a great deal of check up and follow up for which not every one is ready to invest into.

Henceforth it’s good to invest into some workouts than going under surgeries and losing big bucks for no good reason when you can lose it by just working those muscles so to say. Some of the most desirable hips of all times are that of celebrities Kim kardashian,Jennifer Lopez, Kareena Kapoor, Halle Berry. These celeb work it hard to get those the way they are.

Our major fat gets stored in thighs and hips,and doing nothing about it and moving on with life can lead you nowhere. It is to be noted that hips are what men fantasize about and get attracted to out of all the vital assets in a woman. It is time you stop pondering over the reason and start acting in garnering the lost attention from the opposite sex.

Some of the following are the ways to lose hip fat :

  • Squats : Squats are the most popular workout in order to get rid of the unnecessary fat on hips and thighs. Maximum repetitions are called depending one’s capacity. A minimum of 50-100  set is recommended to start with. Increase the repetition as you get old to the workout. It works heavily on pillar muscles. These are not well suited for women to do with ease but also shows result after a gradual period of time.
  • Eat green leafy vegetables and fruits that are high in fibre : Eating as much as fruits and vegetables allows a body to get rid of the fat and food intake that does not even leave the body starving. Green vegetables are high in vitamins and provide other minerals that allows the body to no storage of fat and proper functioning of stomach which further leaves no room to indigestion and other stomach related diseases.
  • Lunges : Lunges are the best way to burn those calories and to get a well carved out hips with regular workout. These require the body weight to be focussed on leg  and then switching after a minute. The  more one is able to hold it of for the better it is in losing weight.
  • Swimming : Swimming is the best cardiovascular exercise one can invest in .It helps an individual in losing the weight that one is not able to otherwise. It is a very labour intensive and demands a lot of stamina. But once you start swimming you perceive it as a fulfilling experience. Every move,butterfly,backstroke enables the body to function thoroughly.
  • Weight training : Weight training like lifting weights also gives hip a seductress shape. You can get started with easy to do weights and then increase as you go up the ladder depending on how much you can take in without putting your sprain or shoulders go for a toss. Weight training must only be carried out under distinct supervision of a fitness trainer as it then comprises of less chances of landing up in any trouble as it is an unknown territory.

Hitting the treadmill and cross trainers are the most suited for shedding the weight deposited at thighs and hips. Works wonders for women and shows results significantly. Running on treadmills is good to shed weight  drastically. The problem arises when one does too many things together. Weight loss is a process that’s gruelling and demanding at the same time. So in order to lose the weight sincerely one has to be patient and dedicated.hips fat takes a lot of time in dying off as compared to fat in rest of the body parts.