Winter Care Tips From Top To Toe Of Your Body

Winter Care Tips From Top To Toe Of Your Body


Winter season comes with various skin problems. Not only the skin problem arrives your body, but also body become rough and dry, your hair and scalp also suffer from various problems such as dryness, dandruff, itchiness and hair fall. It is also a problematic season for the ones who have the problem of calluses, cracked and corns on the feet. Winter care creams and rubbing lotions are just not

sufficient for these problems. To fight against all this winter season related problems, you have to just follow a routine of winter care regime to get flawless skin and shining healthy hair. Healthgenie brings various tips for you with tip to toe winter care guide.

1.Tips for skin to keep it moisturized and soft:

guide_for_winterTo keep your whole body skin moisturized, soft, shining, smooth and supple, it is recommended to apply deep moisturizing body lotion and cream. Use moisturizing soap or body wash when you take a bath or wash hand. Too much cold or chilly weather can make your skin to dry and can be the cause of skin breakage as well as clogged pores. Apply on your skin non-clogging oils, for example mineral oil, avocado oil, almond oil, primrose oil and Shea oil.  Use ointment moisturizer which is basically an oil-based formula. These types of products are formulated with oil will make a protective layer on the skin that holds more moisture than a lotion or cream.

2.Tips for rough and cracked feet:

Woman walking barefoot across cracked earth, low sectionIn this weather, rough and cracked feet are a common problem which looks bad and you seem to feel uncomfortable. You can take care of your feet by pedicuring at home with the proper steps. Scrub calluses by using a pumice stone in the shower once per week to discard dead and rough skin. It is suggested to moisturize your heels and feet, every day with thick cream and lotions which contain lactic acid. Its effective formulation is very effective in nature and wear cotton socks to bed.

3.Tips for itchy and dry scalp:

itchy and dry scalpOne basic problem is dandruff which makes your scalp itchy and dry. To fight against this problem. You have to just take cooler and quicker showers to minimize the scalp’s exposure to drying hot water. Before washing your hair, massage the scalp with olive, vitamin E and coconut oil. Oils restore the natural scalp oils and moisturize your dry hair. Tea tree oil is well known for the treatment of bacterial and fungal infections like dandruff. Wash your scalp and hair and scalp with tea tree oil daily to cure an itchy and dry head naturally.

4.Tips for chapped lips:

chapped-lipsChapped lips are a common problem in winter. To get rid of this problem, it is recommended to Vaseline or honey to the lips for 15 minutes and after that eliminate with a cotton swab dipped in hot water.

5.Tips for brittle nails:

brittle_nailsDry air saps remove the moisture from your nails and makes them susceptible and delicate to tears and breaks. To get rid of, use lotion containing lanolin or olive oil to nails before going to sleep and bed with gloves on to help proper absorption. A thin coat of clear nail polish can prevent brittle nails from the environment. To recover from this problem,  add the biotin-rich foods, vegetables and protein sources, including nuts and fish to your diet. These also help to protect from this problem.

6.Tips for irritated and dry eyes:

dry-eyes-can-be-very-irritatingWind and dry air are bad for those people who have sensitive eyes. Sporting sunnies on a sub-zero day may look weird, but the lenses can prevent glare and wind. It is recommended that carry a bottle of non-medicated saline tears or eye drops with you and apply it to refresh eye moisture when required. To fight against eye irritation, keep well-moisturized hands away from the eye area.

These basic tips can surely help you to fight against various winter season related problems. Take the joy of winter season with the various exclusive range of winter care products with great assurance and guaranteed protection!