Why Eye Care Tips are Mandatory for Computer Users

Why Eye Care Tips are Mandatory for Computer Users


In modern era, almost all the office workers and other types of work forces have the requirement of computers for their working. Working on computers for 7-8 hours continuously results in many eye related problems like eye injury or eye strain. This eye strain problem has become a major problem now a days. Studies show that about 50-90% people suffer from eye strain and other visual symptoms. These problems can vary from physical and mental exhaustion, decreased productivity to minor exasperation like red eyes and eye fluttering etc.


Here are some tips for reducing the risks of computer eye strains and visual disorders:

Inclusive Eye Examination: A complete eye examination is very necessary to get rid from CVS(Computer Vision Syndrome). Researches show that about 71% people who are suffering from CVS uses eyeglasses or contact lenses, so just make sure whether the prescription is right or not. NIOSH(National Institute of Occupational Safety & Health) and Doctors recommend yearly eye examination in which we should inform him about the setup of workstations and usage time/day on computers.

Appropriate light: There should be proper lighting near the workstation and high intensity lights and lamps should be avoided. In the case where you working, conventional electro-optic lights have been used, a dim light with equal brightness can be placed near the workstation.

Minimize Glare: Reflections from computer screen and glare from surfaces as well as from walls also cause eye strains. To prevent this, one should install anti-glare screen on the monitor. Additionally , the walls of the room where the computer has kept should be painted dark coloured.

While working, the windows should be closed and computer hoods can be used in the presence of outside light.

Moreover, eyeglasses with anti-reflective coating(AR coating) should be preferred as it minimize the glare and thus help us to keep away from CVS. Upgrade the display: LCD(Liquid Crystal Display) has anti-reflective display and is easier on eyes compared to CRT(Cathode Ray Tube) screen which is old fashioned. So, CRT should be replaced by LCD screen.

Blink Frequently: Many people blink infrequently while working on the computers. Blinking frequently is very important while working on a computer as it moistens our eyes and prevents them from irritation and redness. It is quite necessary for the people who use eyeglasses or eye lenses.

Take Frequent Breaks: Frequent breaks are very necessary to prevent CVS, neck,shoulder and back pain. We should take break of 20 seconds after every 20 mins. NIOSH studies show that people taking breaks from their work have reduced discomfort .