Take Up The Quiz To Know Your Personality Kind

Take Up The Quiz To Know Your Personality Kind


Have you ever given a thought to how your personality is from within? What kind of a person you are. Pessimistic or optimistic? Do you tend to think worse about the bad or best about the worse? What kind of thoughts, expectations and beliefs you hold? The ‘kind’ we are talking about here, is broadly categorized into Optimistic and pessimistic. To know, which category you fall under, go through the following questions of the ‘Know Thyself’ quiz and asses your own self, only to become some better!

Answer the following questions and keep counting your points. Add the sum total of your points and look for the results.

Q.1) What would you prefer to write a poetry on?

 writing poetry to know personality

a. The bright sun, fresh mornings and chirpy birds. (6)

b. The silent nights, mysterious paths and the cool breeze. (1)

Q.2) What do you have a belief in?

Quiz to check belief

a. Once a cheater is always a cheater. (1)

b. There’s always a second chance, everyone deserves. (6)

Q.3) Which one suits the pattern of your life?

quiz to check positive and negative

a. Everything in life is predestined. (1)

b. What we do comes to us and that’s it. (6)

Q.4) What do you feel ?

what you feel about your personality

a. Nothing is going to change the state and fate of our country. (1)

b. Things will change, if only we bring in change within ourselves. (6)

Q.5) Which one happens to you more?

which one happens to you more

a. While driving, riding swings etc, do you tend to think what if you would meet an accident or fall off the ride? (1)

b. While driving, riding swings etc, you tend to enjoy and keep calm and no such thoughts ever strike your mind.  (6)

Now, add the sum total of your points and check for results.

If your sum total is between 6 to 14

Then you have an inclination toward being pessimistic. You tend to think the other way round about things. You think differently and like what most people dislike. You like to think about the darker times and worry about the future. You like taking what life is giving you, silently. You do not over expect or overestimate things. You tend to prepare yourself for the worse.

If your sum total is between 14 to 20

Then you are neither a pessimist nor an optimist, you are rather a realist who likes thinking high, but keeping with the grounds. Yo believe in karma and nothing else. You tread a realistic path and believe that this realistic path will only lead you to your mystical and magical dreams.

If your sum total is above 20

Then your personality has an inclination towards being an optimistic. You tend to think positive, feel positive and be positive. You like enjoying life with less of worries and more joy. You depend on your own self and have lots of self confidence. You like being lenient with life.

Although, our thoughts decide what kind of a personality we hold, but more than that our personality is carved by our own efforts. The way we want to make ourselves think and act. It’s our own will power, on which everything depends. So, even if you are a pessimist, do not get disheartened, you rather try and carve yourself the way you feel you should be!