Take 4 Pledges & Celebrate The World Heart Day

Take 4 Pledges & Celebrate The World Heart Day


World Heart day is celebrated on 29th September which is always the last Sunday of this month. World Heart Federation generated World Heart Day in the year of 2000. This was made to make people aware of the importance of healthy heart.

Every year, about 17 million people are killed by heart diseases and strokes all over the world. That no. has chances to be increased up to 23 million by 2030 if we don’t do something about it.

Usually, cardiovascular diseases don’t discriminate but senior people face unique risks simply because of their age.

According to World Health Federation, the risks of strokes are double after age of 55. Eventually these people also have risks of blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar and finally heart diseases.

This year to celebrate the World Heart Day 2014, the World Heart Federation has selected many creative and captivating campaign materials that include leaflet and posters. These World Heart photos and pictures emphasize on spreading the importance of heart health among the masses.

To reach the public and also mark the event as significant, associations and individuals organize a range of World Heart Day activities that usually include fitness session, health checks, scientific forums, public talks and more on heart diseases symptoms. Furthermore, health institutes and various organizations conduct health check-up centers and seminars to disseminate awareness on heart diseases and the precautionary measures.

Attempts are also made to motivate children and elders to care about their heart and start living a health lifestyle by avoiding smoking and adopting healthy eating habits. In India, millions of people die and fall victim of cardiovascular diseases because of their unhealthy lifestyle they have adopted that usually starts at home. So, this year, World Heart Day focuses to household to bring a change in everyone’s life as it is the center of the family activities.

There are many types of activities which are scheduled for the 29th September but in spite of that, you can also be a part of this celebration by engaging into few tips to keep your heart healthy.

1. Eat Healthy: Eat all your good and favorite foods but in moderation. Try to eat healthy foods, fruits & vegetables, whole grains etc.

2. Stay active: Do exercise regularly for 30 minutes and stay healthy by keeping your heart healthy and strong.

3. Get the regular check ups: Check ups on regular basis is a key to early detection. So keep going to regular check ups.

4. Stop Smoking: Smoking doubles your heart diseases risks. So stop smoking.