Stop Losing Heart, Start Losing Weight !

Stop Losing Heart, Start Losing Weight !


Have you tried losing  weight, but end up losing heart every time ?

You are either not going the right way or simply going the wrong way. Well, whichever way you might be choosing, but you are definitely not choosing the best way to do it. So, what’s the best way?

Well, be your own dietitian and the weighing scale’s pointer will then never deny moving to the left! How? Well, have you ever applied make-up without looking into a mirror? No? Then how can you even think of loosing the weight without having a weighing scale or a body fat monitor at your side? And probably this is the reason why most people fail to achieve their dream goal of having lost some weight and tend to quit mid way. So, this time when you gear up to loose some weight, make sure you posses a mirror, we mean a weighing scale or a body fat monitor to see if you are going the right way!

Here are the 5 effective ways of how a weighing scale can make your extra pounds go lost in minimum time.

  1. Once you have started your diet plan and exercise, measure your weight fluctuations every week. This will help you in realizing if your diet plan is working out for you.
  2. Every time you measure your weight, note it down and see for how much you lost. This will help you feel better even if you do not look much different than earlier.
  3. Once you know, how much kilos you lost in a particular period of time, set a target of next few kilos for yourself and start working on it. You will feel fueled up and all set to move on!
  4. Set a long term target or an ultimate target you want to achieve.For example, loosing 20 kg of weight overall. Now gradually, as you go on to loose weight, keep a track of how much time you are taking to loose a particular amount of weight. Say, you are taking a month to loose 4 kgs, then in order to loose 20, promise to yourself that you have to loose it in 7 months. Commit the next 7 months to it, and keep moving on by keeping a check over your weight regularly.
  5. Once you have done it and won the target, rejoice! But wait, you may stop exercising for sometime but not using your weighing scale! Keep measuring your weight every now and then to assure that you are not putting it on again. The moment you see a right bend of your weighing scale’s pointer, stop munching on those munchies and go easy.


Here are the 5 reasons, why you need a body fat monitor to loose the stubborn kilos

  1. When you diet hard and exercise harder, you are not always necessarily breaking the body fat. Instead sometimes, it’s the muscles that are being wasted. Wondering how that can be? Well it’s nature plus science. Different body types, different body compositions, and therefore different effects of even similar diet plans and exercises. So, what to do?
  2. The help is right here. Body fat monitor. It is nothing but the solution to the dilemma of analyzing the exact percentage of fat present in your body compared to everything else i.e organs, muscles,bones, water etc.
  3. An average man is supposed to have a body fat percentage of around 14-25% and an average woman’s body fat percentage should be around 21-31 %.
  4. In order to know if you have that extra body fat, body fat monitor is what you need to have. It is a simple device to be either held in hand or to stand over and the digital screen will show you the percentage of the fat present in your body.
  5. With this device you can work wonders while keeping a track of how much body fat you are being able to target through your diet plans and exercises. It will help you to realize what sorts of diet and exercise patterns suits you the most and how overweight or underweight you actually are despite looking leaner or heavier respectively.

So, zip your mouth, tighten your pants and go get a weighing scale or a body fat monitor first in order to enable yourself to ‘actually’ loose on some kilos!