OBESITY – A Serious Outbreak

OBESITY – A Serious Outbreak

obesity causes, symptoms, treatment

What Obesity Is ???

Obesity defines the accumulation of excess body fat over to an extent that it may causes negative impact on health and fitness. Obesity occurs when you consume too much of calories, this brings imbalance between the calories goes out and calories comes in. This calorie clock results in accumulation of abnormal fat over different body parts like stomach, hands,legs, back etc. People with obesity has high risk of getting problem like diabetes, chronic heart failure,arthritis and stroke.

Some Recent facts declared by WHO are:

  1. In 2014, around 2 billion adults, young and old population were overweight and approximately 550 million were found obese.
  2. 11% of men and 15% of women were found obese in 2014 that means, around 13% of the world population is suffering from obesity.
  3. From 1980 to 2014 the worldwide occurrence of obesity is found to be more that double.

What Causes Obesity ???

The fundamental cause behind being obese is the difference between the calories -in and calories-out.

  • Today there is an increase intake of energy giving foods that consists high fat content.
  • A lack of physical activity in daily routine,increases the risk of obesity as the fat you gain while eating accumulates in your body and do not burn off.
  • Change in life style,where people are running behind junk and fatty foods because they are easy to get and good with taste. Sedentary nature is one of the factor.
  • Lack of social activities,healthy surroundings are the factors causing overweight and obesity.
  • In many cases genes are the factors behind obesity. Some people claim that inheritance from your parent can cause overweight and most of the time its hard to get rid of obesity.

Common Health Consequences

It is importance to take steps to handle obesity because the physical changes may lead a number of diseases and health issues such as:

  • Cardiovascular Diseases- In 2012, Obesity brought heart related problems like strokes, chronic heart failure, arterial blockage were the leading cause of death.
  • Diabetes- The body is enable to produce insulin which balance the glucose level in the body.
  • Musculoskeletal- It is related to disabling degenerative diseases of joints, osteoporosis or arthritis.
  • Cancers- some type of cancers may also caused due to obesity like, breast,colon, endometrial.

How To Reduce the Cause ???

  1. The primary step towards treating obesity is to eat healthy, less caloric food, a complete and balanced diet.
  2. A best way to reduce undesirable fat is to pursue regular exercise on daily basis. Consulting physical experts and dietitian regarding your physical workout and the diet accordingly.
  3. By involving in activities such as fast walking, jogging, swimming or outdoor games can bring the change.
  4. A healthy life style helps a lot to reduce weight and overcome obesity by avoiding excess consumption of junk food and alcohols

How to Diagnose Obesity ???

There are several methods to determine your weight. One of the easy and best way is to read BMI( Body Mass Index).
BMI is a measure to know whether you are under weight or overweight, you can also use BMI to know a healthy weight.

For Adults:

  • BMI of 25 to 29.9 means you are overweight
  • BMI of 30 to 39.9 means you are considered obese
  • BMI of 40 or above means you are severely obese

People like very muscular have high BMI, cannot be diagnose with using BMI index. In general women with a waist of 80cm or men with 94cm are more susceptible to obesity and overweight related problems.

An Outlook over Obesity

Several strategies have been made by WHO against obesity. In 2004, WHO planned on diet and physical activity which describes the actions to be done to support heath and fitness.

As we all know there is no quick action to treat obesity, whatever weight loss plans, healthy diet routine and physical workouts need time and commitment. Attempts like setting up the goal, regular monitoring your weight, can help you to reduce weight.

Every individual should remember that reducing a small amount of weight may also reduce the risk of obesity and related complications like diabetes and heart diseases.