Negative Side Effects of Drug Use – Three Most Dangerous Drugs

Negative Side Effects of Drug Use – Three Most Dangerous Drugs


Life gives us, all sorts of bumping rides. Sometimes it is fun and sometimes it leaves us turmoiled. However worse the condition may be, Drug Abuse, for sure, is not a solution.

You might have gone a far way into drug abuse and would have never realized it till date. This gradually develops into what we call to be a ‘Habit.’

One fine morning, all of a sudden, having realized that you happen to be trapped in the dark streets of Drugs, you now wants to make a come back. There is nothing to panic because the draconian disorders of drug use are both preventable and treatable.

The only point you need to keep in mind is that, “More early you realize, more quickly you can make a come back.”

According to a report by United Nations, approximately 2 lakh people worldwide, are killed due to drug abuse. Perhaps, this is the reason that on 7 December, 1987, by a special resolution of United Nations General Assembly, it was decided to observe June 26 on every year as International Day Against Drug Abuse & Illicit Trafficking.

Every year on June 26, the world talks, discuss and promotes through various activities, the ways to fight against drug abuse and illicit trafficking respectively.

It is a significant endeavor to realize the dream of having a drug free society.

What are Drugs & What are Illegal Drug Types

What are Drugs & What are Illegal Drug Types?

In the meanwhile, while the drugs used in our daily life as in Coffee, Cigarettes and Alcohol are legalized, there are innumerable varieties of drugs that the governments all over the world want to keep a control on.

However, the drugs are used as an ingredient to make certain medicines and sold openly at over the counters of the different pharmacies, but possibilities are very much that even those drugs can be abused to a large extent.

Before we proceed to discuss the names of certain important drugs that the law prohibits to use, let us understand in one line – What are drugs?

According to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC):


Furthermore, as far as the drugs declared illegal by the different governments of different countries worldwide are concerned, those are not only a loss to life, it is a loss to the economy and a grave loss to the society either.


Cannabis is very commonly known as Ganja or Marijuana. However, in some countries Cannabis it is also known by other different names such as Bongo, Grass, Pot and Thai Stick etc.

After having dried the leaves and the flowering top of the Hemp Plant, Cannabis is made.

One who uses Cannabis is prone to Lung Cancer, as Cannabis contains 50 per cent extra tar than the tar in Cigarettes. Moreover, it can lead to other various respiratory diseases. Talking further about the side effects of Cannabis:

  • it increases the pulse rate and the appetite
  • it leads to physical and intellectual disorders
  • it severely affects your decision making and keeps you in doldrums
  • can cause Schizophrenia (a long-term mental disorder where people lose the balance between relations, emotions, decisions, perceptions etc.)


Cocaine is very commonly known as Lady or Bazooka. However, in some other countries people call it by different names like Blanche, Crack, Coke and Cake etc.

It is the off-white powder which when blended with the alcohol, makes a dangerous Cocktail that can easily lead you to a sudden death. It is the leaves of the Coca Plant, from where Cocaine is extracted.

Moreover, if Cocaine has not led you to death, the major health problems like Heart failure and Heart Stroke can severely damage your body. Moreover, there can be following side effects which can actually be very troublesome for you:

  • it can increase your heart rate
  • you can lose your appetite
  • you can experience fast breath and also an increase in the body temperature
  • it can result in an unusual behavior, even making you violent sometimes


Heroin is commonly known as Smack. In other different countries it is known by various names like Horse, White Lady, Junk, Harry etc.

Heroin is pure white powder which is extracted from the Opium Poppy Plant. It carries pain-killing properties which gets processed from morphine. The use of Cocaine can end up respiratory in depression leading to a state of Coma or death.

The side effects can result in constricted pupils, nausea, drowsiness and vomiting. The long term use can further result in significant weight loss and it tends to make you look a victim of Mal-nutrition either.

The worst is that one who has become an addict of Heroin can’t even get rid off it abruptly. It can also lead to the problem like Diarrhoea, Cramps etc. It can make you feel chilly and can also lead in excess sweating.

The day observed as International Day Against Drug Abuse & Illicit Trafficking is a constant endeavor by the different Drug Control Administrations worldwide and it becomes our moral right to lend a supporting hand to make the world drug free.