Must Know Trivia About Triceps

Must Know Trivia About Triceps


Karim Ramos, a fitness fanatic himself asserts that women are the mostly affected individuals out of the two sexes and are desperate to get rid of them with everything possible. Often in attaining a body to die for we get into the loop of forgetting that fitness is a journey and not a destination.


  • With the help of excellent training and good eating one can achieve the aspired results. Remember, the body does not lie. If your giving in much of hard work and sincerity theres no possible chance in the world that all your hard work will go in vain. Triceps is a three headed organ which comprises of long, lateral and medial head.
  • Triceps are the noticeable muscle part of the body that not only gives many of us a constant public scrutiny to live with and the case is worse if your a female. These our muscle parts that require arduous workout in order to get rid of those frightening fat and get a desirable celebrity like triceps with little devotion and dedication.
  • The triceps can be certainly worked out either with elbow extension movements which includes push downs, skull crushers and arm extensions behind the back or static contractions. This latter process of the work out involves movements that comprises of pull overs, straight arm pull downs and bent over lateral raises does a world of good to the whole body along with the focus area which is that of triceps.
  • Work outs such as press ups, bench press be it (incline, decline or level). Application of a closer grip not only offers a firmness to the body and gives the arm the stability enabling more weight to be invested into the arms sans restricting oneself with shoulders.
  • Elbow augmentation is imperative to many sports personalities. It is important to maintain a balance between the two crucial biceps and triceps in order to reap best benefits out of the gruelling work out and how to work upon the pain inflicted areas and injury, everything must be taken into consideration before going in for a well sculptured body.


  • BICEPS CURLS : Stand up upright and clutch the bar in front of your thighs by bending it at the elbow and curl weight up in front of your shoulder. One must enable that your arms straight against your body in a way that your only using your arms to curl up. Make sure you dont shove the weight with your back or hips or legs for that matter as it signifies that the weight is heavy and would inflict pain in these part of the body worsening the affair all the more.
  • OVERHEAD WEIGHT TRICEPS : Overhead weight triceps states that one must hold a weight over your head and bend at the elbow to back. Keep elbows in close to your eyes. Now return to starting point and doing the repetitions.
  • CURL AND TRICEPS : Curl and press means that you need to stand upright and clutch the weight straight to the body. Perform a curl as described above but at the top end of the motion push barbell overhead until arms are almost locked. Lower back down and curl back to the starting position. Repeat the workout!
  • BENCH DIPS OVERHEAD WEIGHT TRICEPS : Bench dips require you to bend the body to an equal height as that of the body hold it for few seconds reach the same posture and do as many repetitions as possible. This particular exercise puts to test your endurance power.
  • CLOSE PUSH UPS : Close push ups defines doing the push ups in a closed body manner which focusses the body part to undergo the strenuous exercise with lowering the body equivalent to the closed arms and then bringing it back to the same posture.
  • OVERHEAD DUMBBELL EXTENSION : Overhead dumbbell extension require you to carry the weight overhead and returning to the same posture. The weight may vary as per your own ability and endurance.
  • CABLE ROPE OVERHEAD TRICEPS EXTENSION : Cable rope over head triceps extension signifies that you need to hold the cable overhead and return it back after a certain hold to the original position. Repetition can be carried out keeping ones stamina into account. Never push yourself too far as it can affect your multiple body parts severely lifelong.
  • DUMBBELL KICK BACK : Dumbbell kickback is a workout that requires you to lean one part of the body on a bench press and then take the arm with weight and then return to the position.


Most common injury among individuals doing triceps pertaining exercises arise in parts adjacent to elbow. They also incur bruises and wounds all around the affected area of pain and inflation.

  • Surgical Treatment : People that have injured or ruptured the triceps tendon will need to undergo surgery on order to cure the predicament and gain back the normal attachment known as ÔÇÿolceranon. This is normally performed by reattaching the bone with a surgery and curing the bone fragment that was ruptured with either silver made nuts and structures. Most of the time we have come across people who have undergone massive surgeries and are unable to lead a successful life.
  • Herbal treatment : Since old age times herbs and medicines have been playing a significant role in the curing muscular pull and sprain. Borage oil, celery seed, cayenne pepper, catsclaw, fish oil, chammomile, etc are some of the herbal treatment that can be well taken by the body and injury which might take gradual period in healing. Nevertheless we must not nullify the chances of consulting a doctor in respect to the affected triceps area.

Therefore, the aforementioned are the must know in order to go easy with the triceps and its intricacies.