Make Your Diabetes Measure Fall with Nutrimed’s Diabetic ‘n’ Cholesterol

Make Your Diabetes Measure Fall with Nutrimed’s Diabetic ‘n’ Cholesterol


What a trend has diabetes become. With almost every one of six people in India owing this to disease. Wondering how one can ‘owe’ a disease? Well, Diabetes once occurred never goes away. Hence making you owe it for life. So, what can we do about it, if it’s incurable? Well, you can surely do a lot! HOW? By getting yourself, the all new and different Nutrimed’s Diabetic ‘n’ Cholesterol.

It is one product that will give you a solution to your on and off time hunger calls, at the same time making you take lesser sugar and carbohydrate content overall, in a day. This meal replacement has the right combination of important vitamins and minerals, protein blend and other essential amino acids to give your body a complete nutrition that is vital for your healthy survival.

It has no sugar, no cholesterol, no gluten and no lactose hence making it a diet low on sugar content. Also, the high protein content and low cholesterol levels in this diabetes care products helps in maintaining normal blood sugar and pressure levels.

How does Nutrimed Diabetic ‘n’ Cholesterol target diabetes?

1. Hence limiting your overall trans fat, saturated fat, sodium and cholesterol intake of a day. Which means your overall sugar intake is also decreased to a large extent.

2. Being a no sugar complete meal in itself, replacing your meal with it, limits your daily sugar intake.

3. Its high protein contents helps in regulating better metabolism and keeping blood sugar levels normal.

So remember, the less you have the carbs and sugar, the better will be your health and figure!

When and How of consumption:


1. ‘W’hen?

For the first 4 days, take two doses before any two meals of a day. Preferably breakfast and dinner.

For the rest of the course, take 3 doses per day in between meals.

2. ‘Who?

Those suffering from diabetes must try this, following a proper diet and see for the results.

Also, those who are cardiac patients must go for this.

People who are overweight and have other obesity related issues must try this product and see for the change.

Pregnant and lactating mothers must consult a doctor before using.

3. How?

  • Take 50 grams of Diabetic ‘n’ Cholesterol powdered mixture and dissolve it in a glass of water or low fat milk until it mixes up properly.
  • Preferably take the first dose empty stomach.
  • Keep taking the rest of the doses in between meals. For example, the first day after having the first dose empty stomach, take the second dose around 6 pm before dinner and 5th day onwards, take the first dose before breakfast then second around an hour before lunch and third before dinner in the evening.
  • Along with the daily consumption of Diabetic ‘n’ Cholestrol, maintain a wholesome diet by adding more and more fruits, vegetables, fresh juices and lots of water for the best results.

           Start to follow the 2 w’s and one how. The time is never, if not now!

When will the results show?


Following the 2 Ws and 1 H of Diabetic ‘n’ Cholesterol’s consumption, your blood sugar levels will stabilise and become all normal in around ten days. And its constant consumption for longer time will keep your body stimulated, active, healthy and in better of shape.

Difference between Diabetic ‘n’ Cholesterol and other similar/unsimilar products:

  • Diabetic ‘n’ Cholesterol is a natural and vegetarian product unlike other medicines, capsules and powders that are hard on health and non vegetarian too.
  • Diabetic ‘n’ Cholesterol is a low glycemic diet with no sugar. Glycemic means ‘causing glucose in the blood’. This diet has very low levels of glycemia hence making it a wholesome sugar free diet for the diabetics.
  • Diabetic ‘n’ Cholesterol has high levels of proteins present in it, that helps you in meeting your energy requirements and maintaining your body weight.
  • Unlike other products, Diabetic ‘n’ Cholesterol does not only target diabetes, but your overall health by lowering your cholesterol levels and also, by watching over your weight.
  • Diabetic ‘n’ Cholesterol is a high protein meal replacement that is extremely low on sugar and unhealthy carbs and full of all essential vitamins and minerals making it a complete meal in itself.
  • It does not have any preservatives unlike others.
  • Diabetic ‘n’ Cholesterol has no side effects and is safe to consume.

So, we conclude that

Nutrimed’s Diabetic ‘n’ Cholesterol is a complete wholesome diet that takes care of your blood sugar levels, cholesterol and overall body weight. It is one such multi targeting product that targets almost all of your usual but tricky problems such as diabetes, obesity, heart issues and cholesterol.

Absence of gluten, lactose and sugar makes it a perfect meal replacer to replace your high carb meals with.

Note: “If you wish to make your diabetes measures fall, choose to go with Diabetic ‘n’ Cholesterol.”