Life Saving Benefits Of Donating Blood

Life Saving Benefits Of Donating Blood


None of us would perhaps deny to the fact that to save someone’s life is a heroic act. And we all would love to be a hero. Isn’t it?

If not much, saving a life, at least, gives you that edge of satisfaction where you feel proud to be a human. And every time you donate your blood, you are actually saving three lives. Just think! Isn’t it indeed a heroic act.

How about, when having donated blood and having saved three lives respectively, you actually save your own life too. Now, your mind might be boggling that how come it is possible? But it is.


Benefits of Blood Donation

Donating Blood is a two-way process.

To make it more clear, when someone donates blood then the receiver of the blood certainly gets benefited. And, we all know this. The donated unit of the blood saves the life of the receiver.

But what we do not know is that the process of Blood Donation is also beneficial for the person donating the blood.

Let us educate ourselves that how donating the blood saves the life of the person donating.


  • Free Health Check Up

When you go to donate your blood, then prior to that your body is checked for various health problems. Only if you meet the guidelines of Donating the Blood, your blood is accepted to get donated to the patients.

The platelet counts are checked–your Haemoglobin is checked–you Blood Pressure is checked—the Body is checked for HIV and Hepatitis either; these check ups enables you to detect a problem, if there is any, at an early stage.


  • Prevents Your Body from Cancer

According to a new study, increased level of iron in the body is directly proportional to increased risk of Cancer. When donating blood, the donor significantly reduces the iron level in his or her body.

Apart from reducing the risk of Cancer in the body, a frequent donor also reduce the mortality risk.


  • Lose Calories and Keep a Check on Your Weight

When a person donates one unit of blood, he or she loses 650 Kcal (Calories) each time. However, it can in no way be considered to be a means to lose weight.

A donor should maintain proper iron level in his or her body and should also have proper body weight.


  • Donating Blood takes Good Care of Your Heart

We have already learned earlier that Donating Blood keeps a check on the iron level present in your body

On the one hand, where iron is paramount to our body, the excess of iron, on the other hand, can lead to ‘Oxidative Stress,’ which causes heart diseases and aging either.


  • Production of New Blood Cells in the Body

After 48 hours of donating the blood, the donor’s body get replenished with new blood cells, which is a healthy process.

The body while donating the blood loses the Red Blood Cells which gets replenished in 2-3 months from the date of donation. Therefore, Blood Donation enables the production of new blood cells in the body which enhances the body’s immune system and keeps the donor healthy.