Laughter The Best Therapy

Laughter The Best Therapy


Understanding the concept of Laughter:

A beautiful way to keep yourself more relax is laughing. It makes you feel good. The more you laugh, the more you will be a positive thinker, more optimistic. You will forget you’re all difficult situation, losses and worries. Basically it merges the distressing emotions; we can’t be angry, sad if we are laughing. It directly increases energy. It helps people to see the reality of the life. It gives new hopes and sources to live the life in better way. Our brain get more relaxed when we listen to some laughter gags, read some jokes and get involved in some fun activities.

Benefits of Laughter:


There are many benefits of laughter. It expands the relationship by throwing positive feelings and emotional bonding. Somehow when we laugh with each other, a fresh environment is being created. This reduces the stress buster. Most important thing is if we laugh with others creates good feeling rather than laughing alone. Despite of sadness which causes headache, people should laugh. It is the best medicine. Laughter somehow forces the person to come out of all the depressions, which in all together creates happiness. It strengthens the immune system and boost up the energy.

What laughter does for us?


The best part – we do not need to pay for this medicine, and it is free of cost which is giving fun. In addition to this there are many other benefits which it provides such as – it prevents heart diseases, changes our mood, improves resilience, add joy to our life and ultimately attracts others to us which leads to group bonding , decreases the pain and lowers down the whole body.

In This modernized world, time has change and we people are surrounded by big problems, worries and we are tensed. So, here is the best solution to it, therefore if people regularly apply this laughter therapy in their life, then their life will be surely revived in a positive way soon. Usually in morning we can have a look over the parks nearby our home, old people generally came to entertain themselves by involving in laughter activities, which keep them fit, healthy and more energise. People who are working didn’t get the time. They are busy in their hectic schedule. So they need to get out of it by taking a dose of laughter. People should join laughter classes, should enjoy live shows and events, so that they can come out of their stressful life.

Take a glance at the advantages which we can enjoy with Laughter therapy:


  • Improvement in the relationship between people
  • Improvement in the overall physical health of a person
  • Improvement in the mental stability
  • Development of positive outlook towards life
  • Maintenance of hormonal balance in human body
  • Balancing the blood pressure
  • Increase in longevity
  • One therapy for individual which costs Nil

In order to give your life a chance to live better, laugh and make others laugh in this world.