Kisses May Work Out Wonders, or Sometimes Blunders?

Kisses May Work Out Wonders, or Sometimes Blunders?


Bring out your hand and count on your fingers how many kisses you have ever had. Can’t count? Is it uncountable? Well, in that case take back your hand and let’s just start a new session altogether. Start the counting from now onwards. Keep an account of how many kisses you actually get on your cheeks, your forehead, your hands, your neck etc.

Wondering why? Well just like that. To simply realise that how loved you are and how lovable you can be. So, don’t forget to keep a track of it from now on.

Kiss day is approaching and has already set the pulse rating of the lovers. Urging them to think of different ways and tactics to be able to kiss their partners or to receive a kiss from them. You too were thinking the same right? Well, kisses are like that only. Just so perfect to showcase your affection and love in a very soulful yet intimate manner. Kisses can vary widely. Ranging from a small peck on cheeks to an intense, intimate one. Kisses can do a lot when it comes to showcase the intensity of your love. The way you kiss or wish to be kissed can actually depict the personality kind you hold.

Kisses are not only to show love, but care, support, fascination etc. For example kissing a celebrity’s face suddenly when it flashes on the television shows your fascination towards him/her, however kissing your small brother or sister’s forehead may depict your care and concern for the person. But hey, wait! Kisses can turn into blunders if you really don’t know how and when to throw them on people. You may just land up in trouble with your boss if you go on to kiss the father of your girlfriend or if out of sheer affection you kiss your dog’s for hard, because then in both the cases you might just have to take a leave from work. And the rest will follow!

Well jokes apart, on a serious note, we often feel that kisses are very tricky and complex. The reason of this feeling may be that we are sometimes unaware of the reaction of the other person whom we are planning to kiss. And sometimes, we go confused about what kind of kiss the other person would like or hate. What if he/she hates the one you gave and found it too cheesy and eww! You will jus die out of embarrassment right? Well, yes kisses are very tricky, especially for the first timers. When you just don’t know if your kiss will make it or destroy it. In that case, just keep your hand on your heart, feel the depth of your love and give the gift of kiss to him/her with all those emotions and feelings that you hold in you for him/her.

So, don’t panic this time before the arrival of kiss day. Simply follow your heart and bring out the best of your emotions. If your love has soul in it, you shall win his/her heart. But yes, do keep in mind the possible blunders you may do by kissing your dog etc. Wish you all the luck.