How To Quit Alcohol ?

How To Quit Alcohol ?


Overcoming an addiction to alcohol can be very difficult task for a person. One can easy makes a habit of drinking alcohol, but it is very hard to quit. It’s a very time taking process. It’s like a long and bumpy road. Sometimes, it becomes very impossible.But, if you are deciding to quit drinking and willing to get the support you require, you can get rid of alcoholism and alcohol abuse—no matter how powerless you feel or how bad the addiction. To lead a healthy and addiction free life, you have quit alcohol. You can start quitting at any time.

Self-help Strategies For Quitting Drinking :

If you want to stop drinking alcohol, the strategies below can be beneficial and helpful, and you can  include your own at the end. Try these strategies, you will definitely get positive result.

Don’t go alone:


If you totally dependent on alcohol and suddenly want to quit drinking completely, then it is recommended that do not go alone. Sudden quitting from heavy drinking may be life threatening. You need to take medical help to make a plan for safe recovery.

Go for alternatives :


If drinking has captured a lot of your time, then prepare a free time schedule by implementing new, for hobbies, relationships, renewing ones you’ve missed and for healthy activities. If you have chosen on alcohol to be more comfortable with manage moods, social situations ,cope with problems, then go for alternative option. It is the healthy ways to handle those areas of your life.

Avoid “trigger” :


If certain places or people make you drink alcohol even when you do not want to drink, try to avoid them strictly. If certain times of a day, activities, feelings trigger the urge, and plan something else to do instead of drinking, you can try these for your health. If drinking at home becomes a habit for you, then try to keep no or little alcohol there.

Plan to handle urges:


If you cannot stay away from a trigger and an urge hits, use to choose these options: Recall yourself of your reason for changing You can carry them in form of writing or keep them in an electronic message you can use easily. Or share your condition things with someone you trust most. Or get engaged with a distracting, healthy activity, such as physical workout or a hobby help you to quit drinking. Or, instead of fighting against the feeling, accept it and try to take good initiative. No matter what people are saying. You should concentrate on how to quit drinking.

Your answer should “no” :


Usually you are offered a drink at times when you don’t want one. You need to understand the truth that if you are not taking the initiative, then nobody can help you. If anyone offers you drink, then simply you should say politely in a convincing manner……no thanks! If you understand the simple truth then you win the game.