How To Get Healthy & Shiny Hairs

How To Get Healthy & Shiny Hairs


Girls always stay gorgeous with silky, soft and shiny hair. To get healthy and shiny hair, you just need to take some extra care for your hair. Your hair need extra nourishment and protein to stay healthy as well as need some protection from various types of aspects like air pollution, UV rays protection, heat protection, hair fall, damaged hair, dandruff and so on. To make attractive look, you have pay extra attention for your hair. If you have healthy and shiny hair, then you naturally look beautiful. Hair is a beautiful ornament for any girls.

Stunning and glossy hair can give you good complements. Change your look by getting healthy and gorgeous hair!

Tips for getting healthy and shiny hair:

Every woman wants to look good! Wants to get long and strong, healthy and shiny hair. But many times they could not able to full-fills their desire. Here we presents some tips which will surely give you an effective and good result that you never get before.

1. Use hair serum :

hair-serumHair serums have been specially formulated to provide unruly or frizzy hair a sleek sheen. You can get this product from any beauty supply store, hair salon or local drugstore. It moisturizes your hair with a light concentration of silicone or oils. Apply this product at the bottom of your hair and act your way up, apply it into wet hair with your hands. It is suggested that do not use too much serum, reason being it can weigh hair down, but if you require more moisture, go for it and include a bit more.

2. Use hair conditioner :


Use of hair conditioner after shampoo is very healthy and beneficial for your hair’s health. This product comes in both lotion or spray-on forms. Use this product after shampoo and get attractive shiny hair.

3. Wash your hair with cool water :

Wash-your-hair-with-cool-waterDo not use hot water when you wash your hair. It may dry out your hair and makes it dull. It is recommended that use cool water after conditioning and shampooing. It helps to close the cuticle and enables light to reflect off the hair, delivering lots of shine.

4. Process follow when blow-drying hair :

Process-follow-when-blow-drying-hairIf you’re blow-drying your hair, directly the dryer’s nozzle down the hair shafts as you carry each section of hair with a round brush. Finish the process to press the cool button on your hair dryer. The cool air builds a reflective effect similar to that of a cool-water rinse after washing.

5. Spray on the shine :

Spray-on-the-shineIf your hair is dry, finish your look with a spray-on shine product. It is recommended to apply spray mists made by Pantene and Ojon. Shine spray can increase the glow of your hair and look glossy.

6. Use a silicone flatiron :

Use-a-silicone-flatironA flatiron aids to straighten hair, that delivers shinier than wavy hair. Overusing a flatiron or heat-styling make your hair dry. You can go for a new type of flatiron made by Bio Ionic which is enriched silicone. It makes into the plates rather than the typical metal or ceramic.

7. Take a glossing treatment :

Take-a-glossing-treatmentIf you want to get shiny hair, then you need to professional glossing treatment. This treatment can deliver you richer hair color with more depth. This effect gives temporary shine. You can easily get this kit from any drug store and hair salon.

8. Drink lots of water :

Drink-lots-of-waterThe habit of drinking plenty of water will moisturizes and nourishes your hair naturally. This habit keeps your body hydrate and gives healthy hair.

9. Take nutritious foods :

Take-nutritious-foodsyou should eat nutritious foods which will help you to protein supply into your hair root. Nutritious food contains vitamins A and E as well as good for for shiny and healthy hair. To get best result, you need to eat plenty of protein that will help you to promote hair growth. Nuts and eggs are good sources of protein.

10. Never use harsh chemicals :

Never-use-harsh-chemicalsShiny hair means healthy hair – so take care of your hair! It is suggested to not expose your hair to harsh chemicals, such as the lye-based hair-relaxing creams and chlorine in pools. Leave those products which includes alcohol. It makes dry hair and reduces shine level.

Conclusion: Bit the obstacles which harms your hair. Try these tips once! You may get the effective results.