How To Fight Against Stress

How To Fight Against Stress


Stress is a pressure on mind caused due to mental and emotional strain. It arises due to unavoidable and adverse circumstances.  Body’s reaction towards challenge is the main cause of stress. It disturbs the equilibrium of body and has adverse affect on immune system. A person under stressful condition starts feeling sick and become prone to various neurological disorders.  The prolonged condition of stress leads to chronological diseases fatigue, asthma, back pain etc.

Managing stress in a proper way is a key to good health. There are many natural and easy ways to deal with stress.  “Relax” is the key word and it should be added in day to day work list.

Simple and Time Effective Techniques for Managing Stress


Meditation Helps To Keep You Stress Free

This is very helpful in killing anxiety. Everyday practice can do wonders. Its process is very simple.  Just sitting straight and concentrating on positive mantras like –I am happy or I love myself, will take away the negativity like clouds.

Deep Breathing:

deep breathing helps to get rid off stress

This is the most effective way and can be practiced anytime and anywhere throughout the day. It relieves the stress by decreasing the heart rate and blood pressure. This method has been practiced for centuries now. This exercise only takes three to five minutes. Deep breathing also oxygenates the blood and clears the mind with negative thoughts.

Eat Right:

Best Stress Booster

Stress levels in body and eating habits have direct relationship. Fruit and vegetables are the best stress busters. The person should refrain of processed and junk food. Fish has omega 3 acids that are very helpful in reducing the stress symptoms.

Laughter therapy:

Health Benefits of Laughter Yoga

Laughter releases a hormone endorphins which decreases the hormones like adrenaline and cortisol that causes stress. Laughing boost the nervous system and makes you happy.

Green Tea:

Instead of taking caffeine, switch to green tea. It has very less caffeine and contains thiamine and very healthy anti oxidants. It soothes and calms the nervous system and decreases stress levels in body.


Sleep helps to fight stress

The lack of proper and sound sleep causes the stress. An eight hour sleep is very necessary for peaceful mind and body. Bu managing the time and refraining from technology before sleep can help in getting better and sound sleep. This is very effective form of stress buster.

Stress is unavoidable in today’s hectic lifestyle but it should not be ignored. Stress can be managed with patience and proper strategy.

Pressure on Mind Fight Stress

The human life is full of complexities and so it affects the mental status which in turn takes the shape of stress and creates unwanted negative effects on complete body. It is we, the human being who need to understand the negative effects of stress in our life and find out the ways to erase it off to a considerable extent.  Stress free life helps us to think better and make our lie more happening and healthy. If we are determined to erase of stress from our life then nothing is impossible and we can definitely do that.