How To Avoid Injuries During Your Workout

How To Avoid Injuries During Your Workout


Working out properly without landing up oneself in some excruciating injuries is one thing to be careful about. As per World renowned fitness expert Roarke Walter Satava, it is as crucial to take notice of minutes as is the whole workout. A rigorous workout can not be easy on the body and takes a toll at times. Fitness trainers worldwide profess that one needs to consider body as a temple and follow it like a religion in order to gain an awe dropping body.

As per National Centre for Injury Prevention and Control, Centres for Disease survey, injuries meanwhile workout can be so grave that it can become painstaking for the whole life to suffer . Individuals hurt themselves by involving in backbreaking workouts without knowing their own body capacities.

Some of the common injuries while workout are described as the given:

  • Muscle Strain : A muscle strain is generally one where in the muscle is stretched too much regardless of it is limitation which further leads to ligament and muscle tear. Certain muscle strains are so severe that it can permanently disable the effected area at large. Light or Moderate ligament tear can result into a certain period of rest and getting back to the workout (by starting it slow). The leg / arm wrap is the best treatment for such.
  • Twisted ankle or Sprained ankle : The cause for this pain is “over stretching”just like muscle pull. One can treat this injury by wearing elastic ankle support if it is a minor injury. A major injury can even make you visit the doctor and at times even get a surgery done. Athletes and sport personalities often suffer from injuries. Ankle brace and support gives a big relief for harrowing pain.
  • Tendinitis : These are bands that connect your muscle with bones. Tendon is the area that gets injured after repeated injuries in tendon itself. The tendinitis occur on golfer’s elbow, tennis elbow. It causes pain and soreness. Shock wave is a good medical treatment for the problem of tendinitis.
  • Dislocation : The word dislocation itself means separation. Dislocation refers to the separation of the joint where two bones or more are meeting . Applying an ice bag right away will serve you with no swelling and bleeding of fluids.

According to Kristin Gustafson there are a number of preventive measures that needs to be taken care of while working out. There are a number of must note while working those muscles. Injuries can be avoided with a bit of cautiousness beforehand:

  • Cross trainers : Using Elliptical trainers works well for cross training and order to avoid grave injuries. People who are prone to lower leg ailments can comfortably workout on elliptical trainers without any fear. Cross trainers are the best to ward off any kind of injuries at first. It allows alternate working out and not the usual conventional way of doing it. Like do jogging or running on the treadmill on day 1, switch it with weight training on day 2, and aerobic exercises on day 3.
  • Warm up : Warm up before engaging in workouts. It simplifies the effort and makes the body used to exertion. It makes the body flexible and then allows the body to work sans any stiffness as it would result in muscle sprain or such warming up enables you to warm the body prior to workout that will not lead to any injuries like hamstring or such as it gives the body ample stretching before the rigorous workout. So, there are no chances of injuries at all.
  • Running wearing good shoes and socks : Running meanwhile wearing a good pair of socks and shoes leads no room for blisters. Running is appropriate for shedding weight and keeping fit simultaneously. Apply Petroleum jelly before wearing the socks. Never leave a bruise unattended. Provide proper band aid care before hitting for workout.
  • Be hydrated : They say working out without drinking water is like travelling in a no fuel car. You never know when you pass out due to lack of water in the body or ask in for some other trouble. This is why it is always said to drink water in moderation at least before 1-2 hours of workout.
  • Hire a personal trainer : As working out under a certified supervision is always better than running through the unknown land. A professional trainer can not only help you lose weight but also prevent from injuries. Trainer will always make sure you that you do weights and other exhausting workouts under his supervision and do not just do it randomly inviting injuries .

Avoiding injuries workout is no rocket science that one needs to pay special attention to. You just need to do be cautious and be vigilant while working those muscles.