How does treadmill help you to lose weight

How does treadmill help you to lose weight

How does treadmill help you to lose weight

Stupefying, isn’t it? That even a single exercise machine can help you lose weight without much ado. And what’s more, is that it doesn’t have to be boring! There are some simple and basic warm-up sessions which can aid in tackling that extra flab problem. According to a recent study, a simple walk is much more effective than brisk walking. The reason being that gentle walking targets directly at the area with the fat instead of just hitting at the glycogen storage. Apart from this, the treadmill is ranked as the top cardiovascular exercise machine which helps in burning calories effectively, by the American Medical Association.

If anyone were to ask to point out their problem area, they would refer to the arms, thighs and lower abdomen area. And treadmill aims directly at these specific points to cut fat and burn calories, thus reducing weight. Now, to talk about how to make our workout session entertaining, there are some mundane yet interesting ways to make it a fun time:

  • Put on your favorite series and aim at completing your treadmill workout simultaneously with the episode.
  • Play your favorite pop or dubstep music and try to conjure some dance steps out of the exercises.
  • Treadmills also come with an iPod/book stand. So, work your body and your mind together!
  • If not entertaining, make the workout a bit challenging. Set a time-target and complete a set of exercises within that limit. P.S-do not over-strain yourself. The main aim is to make it a bit difficult.

You can find out more about these challenging set of exercises on the Internet. After all, monotony is boring! Also, there are various treadmill exercises to help you in a fast action weight loss. For example, team up a pair of workouts including the treadmill and an elliptical trainer. While the treadmill works effectively on your lower parts of the body. The elliptical trainer works on upper and lower body simultaneously. But before a good start, we always need a little initiating encouragement to our body. Morally, yes; but, physically; more. And what’s more, better than a quick warm-up for a push of encouragement. While you can follow the links below to look at some combined exercises, I’ll list a warm-up procedure.

Keep your warm-up session to a minimum of 10 minutes, if you are a beginner. Give each of these steps equal and ample time before moving on to the next one.

  • Slow walk on the treadmill and then switch to brisk walking.
  • Set the incline at 2% and the speed at 3.3mph.
  • Set the incline at 2.5% and increase the speed to 4.9mph.

Naturally, people often ask these questions regarding treadmills, and the same would be pricking your mind too. So here are some of those queries answered.

From where to buy a treadmill?

Nowadays everything is available online. Treadmills, too. A little research on the internet and you’ll be lead to a variety of sites and brands they offer. Or you can just walk down to your local market and look for the best fitness equipment shop there. Before opting either of them, make sure you compare the prices of the same, to get the best deal.

How to buy a treadmill?

Consider these points: quality if the components, features, warranty and price. Find a treadmill with a decent and reasonable price which gives you the best of features along with strong quality components.

What are the Top Brands?

Right now, the leading treadmill brands are Reebok, Cosco, Pro Bodyline, Life Fitness, Healthgenie, etc. Healthgenie is a trustworthy brand in this case, where you will get a variety of treadmills from the basic models to all the features deluxe models

What are the various types?

There are basically 2 types of treadmills- motorized and manual.

To conclude, I’ll end this article with a motivating quote for all- “You don’t have to be Great Start, but you have to Start to be Great”. So, ditch that gym membership and grab your own treadmill.