How Does Diabetes Affect Human’s Foot

How Does Diabetes Affect Human’s Foot


Diabetes can affect your feet. If you are suffering from diabetes for long time or if you are suffering from high blood pressure and laziness then these are all considered as major factors which can cause nerves damage of your feet. The damage is of two types, high risk feet and low risk feet.

Diabetes slows down your metabolic rate; as a result various metabolic disorders can be faced by the patient. The immune system also gets badly affected if your sugar level is at peak. The immune system is responsible for keeping our whole body fit. If the system is not working properly, your body cannot fight against the simple viruses and bacteria’s. So, as a result the patient may fall sick often, as the immune system fails to detect and kill the foreign organism or cell that had entered the body.

Why And How Does It Affect On Foot:

As diabetes is caused due to rise and fall in glucose levels, it leads to damage of nervous system. As the nervous system carries the information to the various parts from the brain, its damage can affect the whole functioning of the body. Due to the damage caused to nervous system it affects a patient’s 5 senses and creates disabilities, physical problems and even nerve injuries.As it affects the nerves, severe complications are noticed on the feet. Very painful symptoms may be noticed, such as, bumps, cuts, Lesions etc. Patients may even lose senses of the feet.

Low Risk Foot:

Low risk foot is the entry level effect of diabetes on feet. Patients have good blood flow and sensation on the feet at initial stage and may later move to High risk condition without any symptoms or signs.

High Risk Foot:

High risk foot is the highest level of effects of diabetes on foot, as it may be seen with ulcers, cuts and severe deformities of bone with no sensation in the feet and severe pain etc. The feet must be examined thoroughly by the doctors and medicines should be taken from time to time as prescribed by the doctor to control it. Sometimes, medication cannot cure it and leads to loss of limb. The limb can be surgically removed to avoid further infection that can attack the complete leg.

Precautions That Can Take Care of Feet in Diabetes:

Diabetic foot precaution

  • Patient has to control his blood glucose levels by following the prescription and proper balanced diet.
  • Time to time checkups must be carried out by patients to detect the damage before it attacks the nerves of the feet.
  • Get an immediate check-up, if you experience cold feet, and if the feet give a reddish blue look or any cuts that occurred accidentally and are healing slowly.
  • Check your feet time to time and cut your nails at regular intervals and take medicines regularly
  • The patients have to take a great care while they are walking, working, or travelling.

Time to time medical check up, healthy diet and extra care can take care of your foot. Take proper precautions and safety as much as you can.