How Can I Delay Arthritis?

How Can I Delay Arthritis?


The most widespread type is osteoarthritis, renowned by a sluggish deterioration of cartilage, the pillowing tissue that outlines and defends the joints. Joints usually pretentious by arthritis comprise of the lap, hip, fingers and the vertebral column of the backbone. Soreness and limited movement are the chief indications. While there is a powerful tendency of arthritis being transmitted via genes, still there are measures one can take to postpone the arrival and also to minimize its symptoms successfully.

Remedies For Arthritis:


One of the measures to reduce the risk of arthritis is possession of a healthy weight. The people who are overweight or obese have a higher probability of developing knee osteoarthritis as they carry excessive weights. If a person has some symptoms of developing arthritis, he can lower the risk by even losing 11 pounds of body weight.

Preventing the joint injuries and excessive movement of joints may check the inception of osteoarthritis in exposed joints, since prior joint injury is a major reason behind some of the osteoarthritis. This prevention becomes necessary for people into profession wherein knee bending, squatting, weight lifting, hard laborious works cover majority of their activities.


The joints can also be kept healthy by a regular moderate exercise schedule being followed. The physical activities aid in reduction of pains and firmness caused due to arthritis, and also provide additional physical energy with a better frame of mind. Swimming and water aerobics are the best forms of exercise needed for arthritis.

A nutritious and balanced diet leads to healthy joints and a healthy body. Researchers have proved that if a person suffers from inflammatory type of arthritis, the Omega-3 fatty acids, esp. fish oil may be advantageous for him. If the fish oil can’t be drunk, then the individual can chose to eat 4 servings of fish weekly. The fishes like salmon and mackerel are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids. There should be low intake of acid-forming foods like sugar, meat and grains. On the contrary, the intake of fruits and vegetables needs to be increased as these lead to formation of alkaline in body.


The herbs like boswellia and turmeric are also part of treating arthritis, as boswellia relieves the pains and inflammation. Similarly turmeric also relieves the inflammation caused by arthritis.

If the personal likes colas, juices and coffees, then there is a need to switch to plain water, as it keeps the body hydrated and works as a greasing to the machinery. The body works smoothly thus leading to a healthy lifestyle.

If you can understand the above discussed point clearly then we are sure on a definite note you will be in a position to delay Arthritis in your life.