Healthy Food Swaps On Thanksgiving To Save Calories

Healthy Food Swaps On Thanksgiving To Save Calories


Get happy and satisfy your family this Thanksgiving by making the best of your much anticipated holiday time.

There are some simple, easy to do methods by which you can easily flavor your love and passion for food even while slashing down on calories, sugar or fat. The ultimate thanksgiving meal just became much lip smacking.

It’s age old ritual to get fully stuffed on Thanksgiving, nevertheless you may still fill of conventional savors or essence sans ruining the diet. The element is to eat healthy and diet friendly food throughout the holiday season and cherishing the good essence of your missing out foods, but remember stay away from such foods. Rest of all the meal of the day must be chalked out in a way that you make all the right and appropriate choices and feel satisfied in the whole process. You ought to get into a high calories dishes that can swiftly pave way to unnecessary weight gain.

Get on with Thanksgiving appetizers at first. There’s an array of food that awaits you this day, then why waste calories on full cream and such food items. Replace low fat or non fat pink greek yogurt a safe option in place of conventional sour cream in all your recipes throughout Thanksgiving. A portion of non fat plain greek yogurt comprises of only 15-20 calories and a portion of sour cream has just about 25. The savings from a few small scoops may quickly foster.

Thanksgiving is the appropriate time to take out that special time with family or dear and near ones. Make some lip smacking and delicious snacks for the young brigade in the family. There are various unhealthy snacks in the market which makes you irresistible. But mind you gorging into all that unwanted calories will deter you from being healthy.

Some of the recipes to new makeover of the usual dish are as follows:

Turkey Toast

This is basically a toast snack which is cut into shape of a turkey. The pumpkin is then added with butter to it along with some peanut butter, sugar and plentiful spices. In order to make it free from all allergy (in case of peanut allergy) get rid of pumpkin and throw in some soy or almond butter. Use healthy garnishing to colour up your turkey delicacy with some dried fruits or chocolate (chips or either way).

This turkey is certainly to be a massive hit at the dinner table. Try it to experience the happiness.

Apple Chips

Apple chips are another routine dish at the time of Thanksgiving. Every household has it. Slice your apples very thin. Mix it with sugar and sprinkle on the apple pieces. So that the flavors are well in place. Bake them for approximately 2 hours in 250 degrees oven by flipping half way through. The sugar is fully optional and children may refuse to eat it if you neglect the key ingredient. So, sugar it up!

Your apple chips are ready to be served.

Thanksgiving is a celebration of food with love, happiness and joy. Celebrate this as a memorable one with changed and healthy way of living.

Happy Thanksgiving to readers!