Deodorants Vs Antiperspirants – WHAT IS THE BETTER OPTION?

Deodorants Vs Antiperspirants – WHAT IS THE BETTER OPTION?



What is Deodorant?

This substance is used to remove bad odor which is generally occurred due to sweating. It is mostly used locally on surface of the body. Many chemical compounds are utilized to prepare a deodorant such as, chlorine, glycols and hydrogen peroxid. Deodorants also includes antiseptics that kill bacteria.


What is Antiperspirant?

This substance is used to minimize the level of sweating. These are harmless in nature. But, it has some side-effects such as, skin irritations and rashes, but these can be easily treated. Do not apply antiperspirants on broken skin as it can the reason behind blood poisoning.



We apply deodorants to eliminate our body odor but when you apply deodorants, some of them have side-effects on skin and clothes. There are few side effects.

  • Stains: It takes about a second to swallow on your skin. If your deodorant is sprinkled on your clothes then it has the tendency to bleed your clothes as well as stain them. Some deodorants include white stick (a glue kind of substance) releases hard stains on to the clothes.
  • Minimizes Perspiration: Deodorants includes aluminum blocks sweat ducts and this develops toxins in our armpits. Aluminum includes some substances that also build up estrogen that may cause breast cancer.
  • Discomfort: Daily Application of strong deodorants may cause skin irritation in in many ways, such as rashes to develop in your skin; itchiness in your skin; leaves your skin really dry and flaky.



As we know that antiperspirants are applied for controlling sweat however, there are some side effects that we must be aware of, such as

  • Allergic Reactions: Some of the antiperspirants have a tendency of occurring skin allergies, like red skin rashes and itchiness.
  • Lumps: Some antiperspirants close the pore of the skin that may cause bacterial infections, for example: Armpits lumps.
  • Other Side Effects: Deodorants may the reason behind the other side effects such as: Breast cancer and Clothes stains.

Now, we aware of the side-effects about Deodorants and Antiperspirant. Lets us talk about, what are the goodness or advantages of deodorants and antiperspirants further.



  • One of the amazing advantages of deodorants is that it has the ability to control the odor by making it neutral. A deodorant has that capability to prevent excessive sweat and removes the bacteria that creates bad odor.
  • Deodorants are preferred by people rather than antiperspirant as it has proved a fact that deodorant does not protect you from sweating.
  • There are various types of deodorants including scents from sporty, breezy and the floral ones. Besides these choices there are some deodorants which have no fragrance but acts perfectly by neutralizing the bad odor.

  • You can even try preparing your own home made deodorants. By including natural ingredients that effectively take care of your skin and deliver a feeling of freshness all over the day.



  • Antiperspirants contain a certain fragrance that has the ability to protect you from sweat and control the unpleasant odor by neutralizing. Antiperspirants close the pores with the aid of chemical substances and it effectively controls the sweating.
  • Antiperspirants include aluminium which aids clogging the pores and it also protects you from the sweat spots.

  • Antiperspirants spread or keep their effect for 12 or 48 hours. However, apply of excessive antiperspirants also may the result of complications. Therefore, it is recommended that you apply these antiperspirants sparsely.


If you tried off due to sweating and unpleasant body odor, then you should go for that option which can keep a strong control over sweating and bad smell as well. No sweating means no bad odor in your body. Pick up the best option as per your choice and body condition.

Use It Once And Say Bye …Bye….. To Sweating And Awful Body Odor!