Cauliflower Is Important For Cancer Prevention

Cauliflower Is Important For Cancer Prevention


Cauliflower is good for consumption especially in cancers like : ovarian, bladder, colon, breast etc. Like it’s cousins such as kale, broccoli and cabbage cauliflower also has  a “world of goodness” in them. The reason why it’s consumption is recommended by doctors and specialists is because it provides essential nutrients to three parts of the systems like detox system, inflammatory system and antioxidant system where the development of cancer is the most and can be prevented at root itself.

According Niti desai, one of the famous celebrity dietitian incorporating cauliflower to our everyday meals not only gives us ample immunity to fight common and prominent fever and flu but also provides the body unprecedented energy.
What type of cauliflower should be bought?

  • Heads that are surrounded by green leafs all around are one to go with and it’s freshness can be determined from that.
  • Not only are the florets of this vegetable good to use even it’s stem has as many goodness attached. The stem too has vital nutrients and with it’s sulfur component in the vegetable it makes it’s consumption all the more imperative. The whole vegetable starting from floret to stem is edible to eat.
  • This vegetable is though available all year round nevertheless one must be extra careful while buying one checking the cauliflower thoroughly as due to it’s minute opening and easy passage way bacteria’s and vegetable born bacteria’s can easily be found that too extensively. Make sure you soak the vegetable in hot water with pinch of turmeric in it in order to kill all the germs before use.
  • Always store the unused cauliflower in a plastic bag in order to retain it’s goodness. Perhaps one would be sceptic to put the cauliflower in a plastic bag and then put in the refrigerator but one must be assured that preserving it this way would lessen the chances of fungus or germs on it.
  • To prevent the moisture on floret cluster put the vegetable with it’s stem side down. This way one will not only keep the vegetable clean but will also allows us to eat it inhibition free. The idea of clean and germ free vegetable sounds ideal but due to the extra cleaning process not everyone is willing to invest time in preparation.
  • Another must know regarding cauliflower is that while you purchase pre cut florets, consume them within at most 2-3 days of purchase. Since cooking gives way to the staling or spoiling of cauliflower quickly consume it or by preserve it in the refrigerator and eat it before it’s too late.

Consumption of cauliflower for cancer’s prevention is advocated due to the following reasons:

  • Cauliflower comprises of phyto nutrients like glucosinolates that helps the body in ‘detoxification’ of unwanted enzymes. It is necessary that we consume cruciferous vegetables like that of the cauliflower in order to prevent the body from toxin that possess high risk of cancer generating cells.
  • It also comprises of sulfur component that enables our body with anti oxidant benefits by rendering anti inflammatory components to lessens the chances of cancer prone diseases. According to oncologist Dr. Suresh Advani advocates the use of cauliflower as it is a vital and crucial vegetable to use.
  • It also consists of Vitamin B,C,K and omega 3 fatty acids which are indispensable in prevention of cancer generating cells. It also makes the body preventive of cardio vascular ailments.
  • As a prominent source of anti inflammatory disease with extensive composition of Vitamin k it prevents the inflammation at a very early stage itself. An exclusive component as 13C that works at the genetic level and eliminates the cell at it’s inception itself.

Cauliflower is a green vegetable that must be part of our daily diet. It’s high in vitamins, minerals, anti oxidants and other phyto chemicals. A part of cruciferous family it not only does nutritious good to our body but also prevents our body from harmful diseases like cancer and inflammatory ailments. As one of the healthiest vegetable it is available year round and it’s consumption not only provides all indispensable components but also gives the body an immunity to fight all disease.