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Delhi, IN
Sunday, February 23, 2025
Authors Posts by Health Genie

Health Genie

Nurturing Wellness!!! Having catered successfully to the healthcare industry forover 55 years, Healthgenie.in is a forward integration of the Grover Group's GST Corporation Limited, which is recognized for its perpetual evolution and growth. Headquartered in New Delhi, Healthgenie.in was found by Manu Grover.

The Oh Shit Fund, Create Your Emergency Fund Now.

Emergency savings popularly known as “oh shit fund”, is a fund that most often we neglect or overlook unseeing the varsity of life. When...

Spiffy Ways For Women To Reduce Hips

Hip fat is a bothersome trouble for women of all ages. It does not matter what size or shape you are, you can lose...

Accelerate Your Savings by Using High Yield Online Saving Account

Opening an online savings account is a stupendous method of earning few extra money on your balance. Most of these accounts are specifically designed...

Sitting Is The New Smoking

Are you more comfortable while sitting? Do you spend 8 hrs sitting? Do you have ‘butts in chair equals productivity’ mindset? If your answer...

How Fish Oil Safeguard Infants During Pregnancy

When a woman is pregnant she thinks twice before eating anything. After all the baby is fed on what she takes during pregnancy. And...

Home Remedies To Treat Malaria

“Prevention is better than cure”, As we all know the deadly parasite “Plasmodium” causing Malaria are transmitted by infected Anopheles mosquitoes; So the first...

Something About Rich People And Their Finances

There’s a thing with successful people as they don’t build their fortune in a wink of an eye or overnight. It seeks hard work...

Top 5 Ways To Develop Poise

Poise is graceful and elegant bearing composure in a person also a dignity of manner. In order to develop this quality within yourself first...

Change Your Attitude, Change Your Life

When we have a positive attitude we can deal with problems more effectively and will end up bouncing back more quickly from mistake and...

Fast 4 Ways to Build Self-Confidence

Self-confidence is an appealing combination of self-efficacy and self-esteem.It is an essential part of an individuals respect and dignity. Self-efficacy is the internal sense...