9 Powerful Health Benefits of Onion

9 Powerful Health Benefits of Onion


“No more crying on onion”. It is not only an essential vegetable but also enables numerous remedies for health pertaining ailments.

Onion is the best in vegetables as it is low in calories and high in other vital minerals,  proteins and anti oxidants. As it has many layers and layers of skin on it as many health benefits it has for a healthy living. Onions whether raw or cook have humongous benefits but if eaten raw it serves the purpose more as raw onions have organic sulphur more in them which works absolutely perfect for the body.

Victoria Jarzabkowski, a nutritionist with the Fitness Institute of Texas at the University of Texas at Austin “they are high in vitamins and offer wholesome health”. Phyto chemicals are innately present in fruits and vegetables that have anti oxidants which enable us immunity in fighting bacteria and resistance power.

Cancer : Quercetin is a significant anti cancer agent that kills the cancer cells drastically. Red onions are high in quercetin. It also possess anti fungal properties which eliminates the bacteria at first instant itself. It is due to this reason that Dr.Suresh Advani, India’s best oncologist recommends patients consumption of onion as much as feasible other than the usual treatments inclusive of chemo-therapies and medicines.

Oral health : Onion are good to eat as they eradicate tooth decay and infection. Oral health can be kept on check with chewing onion for minimum of 2-3 minutes as it then kills all the bacteria without much work as such.

Beautiful skin : Onion is best for acne as it not only reduces blemish but also lessens the possibility of new ones to pop up. Herbalist Lesley Bremness suggest application of onion on face to get rid of fungal and blemishes. It provides a “never seen before” glow and radiance on the face.

Respiratory diseases : Respiratory diseases like a discomfort in inhaling and exhaling. People suffering from bronchitis and asthma can certainly rely on onions for major support.

Cardiovascular health : Onions aids in thinning the blood which prevents the red blood cells from forming clumps to worsen it all. Onions can either be consumed raw or made as juice and taken for good results.

Bee bites and stings : Bee bites and sting sores and marks can easily be got rid of with the application of raw onion on it. This vegetable acts as a natural antiseptic source that gives immense relief from the bee bite and the wound disappears gradually with it’s constant application.

Immune system : Immune system is strongly enhanced with the consumption of onion. Onions at large red, yellow and white all are equally good as all of them have the same components with giving the body the essential to fight diseases with ease. Immunity is very imperative as one with good amount of immunity to be disease free.

Inflammatory ailments at bay : Inflammatory problems be it bee sting or any other allergy can eliminated straight since it’s one time application. Onion not only renders a easy remedy to skin problems but also acts as a natural product in it’s enhancing and shine.