6 Different Types Of Motivation For Fitness

6 Different Types Of Motivation For Fitness


6 Different Types Of Motivation For Fitness

Everybody has his/her own brand of self-encouragement and determination. Each of us is motivated a little differently. Some types of motivation are:  

Achievement: People who are motivated by achievement are always desirable in improving their skills and prove their competency to themselves and others. It is a kind of internal desire that strive for the personal accomplishment or search for a positive feedback from others. If you are intrinsically motivated take your photos regularly so you can see the results by comparing them. When you’ll notice the changes, take a moment to reflect and bask the glory. Allow your achievement to motivate you for future changes. 

Growth: Nobody wants to feel stagnant or stuck in their situation. The desire for personal growth and change can be a great motivator. You no longer want to be sedentary, overweight, or too thin. Great way to use growth motivation is to look at your workout as a break, a time to focus on yourself without any work or kids to interrupt you. Personal time is so important for your own well-being. Thinking of your workout as personal, and therefore as a way to improve yourself will help you stick to your workouts. 

Power: If you’re motivated by power, it means you want to control your own life. You want to determine the outcome. More important than setting a main goal to lose 40 pounds, set weekly and monthly goals to increase your reps or weight and/or increase your cardio. It’s also smart to start off with bite-sized chunks. So, instead of setting the goal to go to the gym every single day, set the goal to work out three times per week. Setting attainable, realistic goals will help empower you to succeed. 

Social: Social motivation can be extremely effective specially with so many social media platforms. People who desire to belong or catch the eye of a special often use affirmations from others to motivate them further. Some people who are motivated socially also like to use their success to encourage others to make positive changes of their own. 

Fear: Some people are motivated through fear of consequences. This type of motivation can be effective, but can also be a little extreme. If you like to have consequences attached to a goal, go public with your fitness goals and post them on social media. The fear of disappointing others or publicly failing is often enough to keep you on track. 

Changing: A little change can help to deliver a perfect environment. Everyone wants to change their current situation or environment where they stay in currently. This change can help you to think of a better place you wish to be rather than where you are currently. Severity is resolved by the level of commitment and frustration to make a change. This is the perfect time to recognize your personal core values and notice how and what you want to change, after all changing is a good thing for healthy life.