6 Amazing Health Benefits Of Watermelons that You Never Know Before

6 Amazing Health Benefits Of Watermelons that You Never Know Before


Beat the heat by gorging into watermelons. This water infused fruit gives immense relief from scorching summer and enables you to combat dehydration by and large. These are natural coolers that are a source of rejuvenation. Citrullus Lanatus popularly known as watermelon belongs to a plant family called Cucurbitacae, which is a vine flowering plant. It is cultivated for it’s fruit.

It is widely said that eating watermelon aids in controlling weight gain and eventually in fewer fatty deposits inside blood vessels. They believe the secret to watermelon’s health enhancing components that lies in citrulline, a chemical found in the juice.

A fruit with numerous Health benefits:

1. Various research studies all around the globe have asserted that the implication of watermelon essential and nutrients on cardio vascular prevention through a substantial decrease in blood pressure count. It was largely noted that all the obese participants in particular showed a significant improvement in blood pressure and cardiac stress both at rest and stressful undergoing a cold water test.
Many profound researchers claimed that Watermelon or Citrullus Lanatus may offer cardio protection by reducing cold induced aortic hemodynamic responses.
As per the study it is to be noted in our body the citrulline component in watermelon is converted into another element called L arginine. It functions in such a way that in your body the citrulline in watermelon is converted into L-arginine, which is a precursor to nitric oxide. Adequate nitric oxide is required to enable you blood vessels to stay relaxed and open for blood flow, which is one reason why it may help lower blood pressure.

2. Best suited for inflammation, sexual health etc.

Another pivotal significance of watermelon is that it helps in reducing inflammation and sexual illness respectively.
L arginine may also help with the erectile dysfunction by helping to relax you blood vessels, including those supplying blood to your penis and that’s why watermelon is at times touted as “nature’s viagra”. Thus, citrulline supplementation has been found to improve erection hardness in men with mild erctile dysfunction.

3. It’s high in anti inflammatory substance.

For instance, watermelon comprises of anti inflammatory anti oxidant lycopene as well as cucurbitacin E or tipterpenoid which decreases the phenomena of pain and inflammation causing enzyme cyclooxygenase- the same enzyme blocked by COX-2 inhibitors. It also contains multiple nutrients like Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, Potassium and Magnesium.

4. It helps in keeping a healthy kidney

Watermelon is touted as a natural diuretic which helps increase the flow of urine, but does not effect the kidneys . These also help the liver process ammonia which eases strain on the kidneys while getting rid of excess fluids.

5. It offers ample muscle support

Watermelons are usually rich in potassium and are also a great natural electrolyte. Hence, it also helps regulate the action of nerves and muscles in our body. Potassium also regulates the degree and frequency with which our muscles contract, and furthermore controls the nerves in our body.

6. Alkaline-forming

These have an alkaline forming effect in the body when fully ripe. Consuming lots of alkaline forming foods can help decrease your risk of illness due to high acid diet such as eggs, diary products etc.

Characteristics :

  • Watermelon is a fruit and vegetable: Watermelon is related to cucumbers, pumpkin. It’s partly vegetable and partly fruit. It’s a sweet, seed producing plant . Watermelon’s rind is absolutely edible.
  • Watermelon seeds and rinds are eatable too: Most people throw away the watermelon rind, but try mixing it in a blender with some lime for a feel good, rejuvenating treat. Not only does the rind contain plenty of health promoting and blood building chlorophyll. Nevertheless the rind basically has more amino acid citrulline than the pink flesh.
  • It has high water content: It’s not surprising that watermelon is 90% water. This means that eating watermelon keeps you hydrated and prevents dehydration. Although, it is not an alternative for drinking water and just be seen as a fruit.
  • Few watermelons are yellow: These yellow watermelon has yellow flesh with a sweeter than the more popular pink skinned. It’s however that yellow watermelon that offers it’s own unique set of nutritional benefits.

Hence, fruits are an ideal way to keep yourself disease free and healthy in times of ever increasing lifestyle diseases. As it is natural it does not come with any unwanted side effects. This is in particular appropriate for elderly and those with health condition.