5 Tricks To Make Your Eyes Look Bigger

5 Tricks To Make Your Eyes Look Bigger


Eyes are the biggest asset every individual is born with and if your a woman eyes are more than what they are. Eyes talk a million things. For women it’s a prerequisite to take care of their eyes and do all the possible enhancing to make it look big, pretty and engaging. As a matter of fact eyes are the vital features of all individuals that make an impression at  the first meet itself. Every woman leaves no stone unturned in making her eyes gorgeous and intense.

Popular aestheticians recommend numerous tricks to preserve and enhance the beauty of eyes and with the availability of numerous products one is just spoilt for choices. Every product has a market for itself that determines the usage of eye care products. Every woman adores herself and keeping her looks intact is just another of showing love and care to oneself.

Following are few ways to give a definition and make your eyes appear big than the usual:

  • Get rid of the puffiness under eye by going in for cucumber massages and others. You can even revitalise under eyes by regularly applying cosmetic eye treatment focussed to eliminate the puffiness at large. The hustle bustle of everyday and the stress shows on our face terribly. This puffiness further makes us look older than actual. So,  with certain methods one can certainly avoid the trauma of looking bad.
  • Mascara gives volume to eye lashes and makes the eyes look beautiful. Mascara must always be used by first curling the eye lashes as it distinguishes every eye lash from one another and then the application of mascara gives it a clean and more to say a stunning classy looks by projecting eyes as definitive and big. Mascara enables the eyes look big and mesmerizing as it tends to give an appeal to one’s eyes to be precise.
  • Eye Definers : There are plethora of eye definers that come in different colors to be applied on crease. Eye definer not only gives a tinge of experimentation to eyes but also gives a neat and clean look to eyes with already defined color.
  • Apply Kajal/Kohl to Give Eyes a Sultry Appeal : Kohl are a woman’s best friend.Some women are so used to wearing kajal that a day without it their face looks pale and unappealing altogether. It becomes a part and parcel of their life. Kajal are of different kinds and one distinct kajal available in the market along with reputed brands are those made from the other side of the border and are called ”hashmi”. They give a clear,defined looks with any smudge. Many smudge free kajals have made their mark in a massive market like that of eye care.
  • Eye Brow Should be Well Maintained : Eye brow play a pivotal role in giving eyes a shape as well as elevating the whole look of the face. This is the reason  why eye brows are well trimmed and made good by every woman in order to escalate her looks.Bushy eyebrows are a trend nowadays. The volume of the eyebrows is not a concern, it’s shape is. As it is a determinant for a woman to look. Eye brows are a natural adorn for women. Natural beauty lies in maintaining oneself .

Eye adorning make up is a go to for every woman’s problems. Eyes are a beautiful asset of every woman and with much care one can garner compliments and praises from all ends. All the aforementioned factors enable a woman to keep eyes as lovely as it can be sans much pain and effort.