5 Tips Can Help You To Improve and Maintain Digestive Health

5 Tips Can Help You To Improve and Maintain Digestive Health


5 Crucial Tips to Optimize Your Digestion

If we want to maintain our overall health, maintaining our digestive health is as important as health of rest of the body like heart health, bone health etc. Our digestive health has an intestinal micro-flora consisting bacteria, yeast, fungi etc & their imbalance causes problems in our overall health. This imbalance may be due to stress, age, menopause or unbalanced diet.

So don’t wait until you suffer from digestive problems. There are some simple, effective and proactive steps which one should follow to maintain their digestive health.

Comprise Foods Rich In Fiber:

Diet that has high fibers can improve the digestive health. Fiber helps in keeping the food moving in intestine and slows the rate of digestion and absorption so that glucose enters into blood stream slowly and keeps the blood sugar level even. It increases the size and weight of stools and makes them soft so that they can pass quickly from the system and we don’t suffer from constipation. Fibers also treat many diseases like IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), Diverticulosis, Hemorrhoids etc. Fruits, vegetables, cereals, nuts, beans are the sources of fibers.

Limit Fats:

High fat foods slow down the digestion process and makes us prone to constipation. Our diet shouldn’t contain fat more than 30% and this content should be incorporated with fibers. High fat concentration causes many diseases and cancers like obesity, diabetes, heart disorders etc. The fats should be polyunsaturated and monounsaturated. Low fats chicken should be used and butter should be replaced by olive oil.

Consume Probiotics:

Probiotics are live micro-organisms particularly bacteria which are similar to the micro-organisms naturally found in our gut and are beneficial. These regulate the amount of healthy bacteria in our system and normalize the bowel movements. It also prevents the gastrointestinal tract from severe conditions, enhance the nutrient absorption, helps in break down of lactose, strengthen immunity. It treats Diarrhea, IBS & IBD. It can be obtained from yogurt, juices, supplements etc.

Stay Hydrated:

Drinking plenty of water helps us to get rid of wastes and prevents constipation. It dissolves the fats and fibers and allows them to pass through more easily.


Regular exercise speeds up the digestion and increases the blood circulation in all the organs. It also stimulates the muscles of gastrointestinal tract and helps in organs working more efficiently. It also tones the colon walls. Daily 30 min exercise is compulsory.