5 Things That Could Ruin Your Sex Life

5 Things That Could Ruin Your Sex Life


Sex is a fundamental part of a matrimonial life whether we accept it or not. A qualitative study carried out by Amitabha and Sepeedeh Saleh, East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust, United Kingdom asserted that most of the couples part ways due to the discomfort and unsatisfying sex. Many reports claim that it is very rare that both the individuals are willing to engage in making love at the same time. Some one or the other has to make the other fall in the trap by employing every possible trick in the book. Paying no special attention or making no move at all is the trouble maker. The problem arises when every time only the same old person shows interest and the feeling is not reciprocated or more so a forced one.

Major reasons for ruining your sex life :

  • Alcohol : Alcohol is an imperative determinant in ruining your sex life. People get so addicted to both the intoxication easily and then there’s no looking back. Alcohol is one factor that not only destroys the happiness at home but also drives you away from your companion because of it’s drawbacks as lashing out on unnecessarily, irritability, lack of hunger etc. You can do regular exercises and lead a healthy lifestyle minus the booze and see the sea change in life.
  • Smoking: It is yet another cause of disturbance in sexual life. Smoking can treated by rehabilitation and other medicinal treatments. Smoking can be controlled by using e-cigarettes and other medicinal treatments suggested by doctors. In order to lead a sexual and harmonious life one must do it all in moderation. Remember, anything in excess is bad!
  • Expecting all your fantasies to come true: Many individuals don’t value what they have in hand and instead run behind what they aspire their life to be. Be it their living or sexual desires. Many of the failed marriages studies prove have been disaster due to each partner’s desire for more from one another . Too many desires are fatal for leading a good matrimony. It is good for a couple to go for a counselling once to deal with the problem right away than procrastinating it along with your happiness.
  • Biological or hormonal changes in either of the partner can screw up your sexual living to a great extent. When women experience menopause and such they experience mood swings, sudden blowing up of body ,irritation and others .Timely consulting a doctor can take you out of the misery and re assure “sex” in your life. Sexual dysfunction should be dealt without wasting much time.
  • A stressed relationship also paves way for ruined sex in life. It is because of the hectic everyday life with never ending deadlines and others that by the end of the day when a person reaches home he’s dead tired to sleep away than engaging in sex. You can improve your sex life by doing regular exercises everyday and meditation that will not only give you a healthy life but also positive energy to deal with all the odds.
  • Body odour: A distinct reason behind ruining your sex life is that of body odour. Body odour is detrimental in killing the sex life all at one. One should make sure of a hygienic and well impressive smell to lure your companion on bed. There are body odours in the market which spoils one for choices that elevates the temperature of the room with both the individuals wanting to have sex equally.

Thus, sex needs to be considered as vital as other pre-requisites of a happy and successful matrimony.